Cobra Commander and Lord Vader are the only ones I'd consider voting for because of their military service.
But didn't the one on the left keep an army of orcs under control?
Cobra Commander and Lord Vader are the only ones I'd consider voting for because of their military service.
She would be a step up from the current administration. $80 trillion in unfunded liabilities (and that's not all due to President Stompy Foot, I know). We're already in a world of shit. There's not much further to go. But I would give Fiorina the nod over Hilldebeast. The only talent or accomplishment of Cankles is self promotion. She's a failure at everything she's done except getting elected by stupid New Yorkers and getting appointed as SecState as a consolation prize for failing so miserably in 2008. Her ship cannot sink fast enough for me.
Agree Fiorina did well. Let's see how she fares if/when she gets elevated to the grown up table.
Kudos to the panel for not just teeing up a bunch of softball questions. I hope the dems follow suit.
Several of the candidates did a bang up job competing over who had the most humble beginnings. Apparently this is a powerful selling point.
Trump - Epic fail. Thanks for playing. Back to reality shows and manufacturing ties in China.
Bush - Solidified his position as the most "electable" Republican candidate. Was really put off by the way he framed his answer to the Iraq invasion question, but otherwise thought he did well.
Christie - Seemed to gain some ground but has a whole lot more to make up. Still tends to be overly emotional, and his priority to grow our already gignormous defense budget doesn't figure to play too well in the general election. Appeared to stomp Paul pretty soundly in their standoff, but from what I've read he wasn't actually appointed U.S. Attorney on 9/10/01, so :dunno:
Carson - Intelligent, earnest fellow who made the best quip of the night but is too much the holy roller and clearly hopelessly in over his head.
Cruz - I didn't realize until last night just how much of a lunatic this guy might be. Yikes. Arguably also the most staged/rehearsed of the 10. Good luck keeping all of those "first day in office" promises, Ted
Paul - Tried from the get go to be the tough guy but didn't succeed.
Kasich - Meh. Fared reasonably well but wasn't inspiring.
Rubio - Did ok but seems a little unpolished yet. Maybe next time. Maybe a VP slot.
Walker - Fairly ho hum effort. Don't get a presidential feel from this guy at all. Another fundy Christian who's stances on social issues figure to bury him, no matter how much he tries to deflect.
Huckabee - I suspect at some point in time there have been bodies buried under this guy's house lol But seriously folks, he should concentrate his energies on evangelist preaching. That's his wheelhouse.
Just saw a bit on Trump saying he wanted $10 million to show up at the CNN debate next month. Don't know how much he was joking about it.
Why am I not jerking off to a parody series of Trump's wives and daughter cuckolding and gang banging with every kind of immigrant? While the Don is giving Megyn Kelly some apolodick and sticking it to Palin as they all grunt incoherent bullshit? Seriously, it'd be great to see more BBC Obama porn too, let him get balls deep in every Trump lady. This shit writes itself, get on it porn industry.
I know a lot of you twunts have been wondering who I would endorse in 2016. Wonder no more.