*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Ani, you need to look into her record a little more. She stabbed Cruz in the back, worked for McCain and said some disturbing things in support of Islam. She's a phony. She is John McCain in a skirt. She does have a nasty side and a sharp tongue and could probably eat Hillary alive in a debate just with her mean streak. Still waiting to see if she wears that coat made of Dalmation pelts yet.

Not only that, but while she was CEO of HP she got into multiple law suits with multiple neighbors. Additionally her fancy home in the hills was overlooked by a public hiking/bridal trail, as many are. She keep having it illegally fenced off and had armed security guards chasing people off. It took at least a couple of trips by County Sheriff's Deputies and a Judges order to put a stop to her illegal behavior! Fiorina is not someone who will follow the law if it is inconvenient to her.
Not only that, but while she was CEO of HP she got into multiple law suits with multiple neighbors. Additionally her fancy home in the hills was overlooked by a public hiking/bridal trail, as many are. She keep having it illegally fenced off and had armed security guards chasing people off. It took at least a couple of trips by County Sheriff's Deputies and a Judges order to put a stop to her illegal behavior! Fiorina is not someone who will follow the law if it is inconvenient to her.
She was also involved in a vendor funding scheme while at Lucent Technologies.
Rubio is my sleeper pick for the GOP. Walker dropping out is a huge boost for Rubio as much of Walker's fundraiser apparatus will move to his campaign. When the Trump Show ends, look for Rubio to be the one to get the spotlight
The first Democratic Debate is tomorrow on CNN from Las Vegas. All five announced Candidates will be there and they said Biden would be welcome if he should show up.

Next Republican Debate is on the 28th.
Christ we need more of these Dem debates. Bernie is obviously a decoy to insure Hillary wins the nom. Sanders supporters are going to be pissed when they realize his campaign was a farce. He has never been elected to any office as a Democrat. Hillary gets applause for refusing to address her ethics. Bernie looks like Larry David with bad dandruff. Lincoln Chafee is like one of the Larry, Darryl and Darryl brothers from Newhart. Jim Webb is a Democrat running in 1984. O'Malley is a Beta male who probably let's his wife pick up men for one night stands while he looks after the kids. Bernie's policies would result in 18 trillion in new spending LMAO. None would embrace capitalism, only black lives matter, open borders and the greatest threat to our country is weather. It was like watching a debate skit on SNL ha-ha. My god Repubs couldn't have asked for weaker competition if they had planted 'em themselves. If Repubs lose to these clowns it will be their own doing . Thank you thank you libs for this field of Dems . Seriously hahahahahahaha
Spot on analysis BC. Hillary is gonna be the nominee unless she's in jail. If the republicans can't win against any of those, then the country is truly lost to them. The exception being Trump. He's not a republican, he's just... Trump. And I think he's the eventual nominee and will either win in a landslide or get trounced.

On the night of the democrat debates when he wasn't even on the stage, Trump gained the most Twitter followers among all the candidates.
Howard Stern is no longer the King Of All Media he has been dethroned by Trump. Say what you will about Trump but he is on the right side of the key issues, immigration and terror. He is even becoming more presidential and serious lately. My guy is Cruz but Trump could win this thing. Bernie is 6 months away from commuting in a Hoveround and a drool cup. His energy is high but probably crashes for 3 hours when his insulin shot spikes. Where is the diversity that Dems are so proud of? One women and she is about as much of a Washington outsider as the beltway. Meanwhile the Repubs offer a billionaire that can pay his own way, a Latino, a brilliant black surgeon a silver tongued woman pitbull and a constitutional expert. Usually I have to think about my direction of criticism of Dems but it just flies so easily this time because they are so comical.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
If I want to see rich angry old white people argue I'll just go to the country club and suggest they open up the membership to blacks and women. So, no. I didn't watch the democratic debate last night.
A big win for Democrats last night. A record 15 million viewers many millions more than in 2008. (Yes the Republican Debate had 25 million but everyone expected and got a food fight.:) Most analysts thought Bernie Sanders won, but I still think Hillary is still the favorite and with no major misstep she wins too. Poor Martin O'Malley he's politically between Clinton & Sanders but there's almost no room there and fewer supporters. Jim Webb a former Republican might have had a chance 20 years ago, but he's too liberal for the Republican Party and far too conservative for the Democratic Party. Lincoln Chafee speaks so poorly I can't believe he ever got elected to anything.
A big win for Democrats last night.
It was watched by more because Trump supporters were following the debate with him while he was doing his Twitter feed live. Still 10 million less viewers than Repubs had. But then again you think Bernie would make a good president so then, there's that.

Repubs will crush this current crop of Dems next November.