2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

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No, it is a thread dedicated to NCAA football 2011. The thread is 32 pages long and there only a few posts about Boise.

BTW, Boise is ranked ahead of any school form thosestates you just mentioned.

My point is if Boise beats a mediocre Va Tech team, they are almosted sure to run the table. If "bama or Ohio State stumbles anywhere along the way, it is likely that Boise would be in the NC.

That would be a crime against humanity.

You're presuming how V Tech will finish. Boise St. pounded Oregon last season...then ran the table (including a win over the No. 3 team in their bowl) while Oregon won the Pac Ten.

They can only play who's on their schedule.

Now I will say if Boise St. wants to really step it up...they need to take their winnings and build/expand onto their stadium where it would be worthwhile for a major program to schedule a home and home.

No major program (other than foolish Oregon) would schedule an away game to Bronco stadium.

It's a lose-lose situation.
Oh Mega.........:facepalm:

Well Baill...I'm not philosophical on it. I'd be the first to tell you I hate the mid-majors gumming up the works. But the fact of the matter is they play good football and their top teams can compete with the top teams in the BCS conferences.
Well Baill...I'm not philosophical on it. I'd be the first to tell you I hate the mid-majors gumming up the works. But the fact of the matter is they play good football and their top teams can compete with the top teams in the BCS conferences.

No sir. Correction: their top team can compete with mediocre teams in the BCS conferences if they only have to play one or two challenging games a year.
No sir. Correction: their top team can compete with mediocre teams in the BCS conferences if they only have to play one or two challenging games a year.

Wow...challenging as defined by what exactly? Some of those teams would pound mid to lower tier Pac Ten, Big 10, Big East, ACC and SEC teams just as much as the top tier teams in those conferences do.

But you are dealing in hypotheticals..the fact is they have performed when they have match up with BCS conference teams. Denying that is deliberately ignoring the reality.
Ignoring reality is recruiting classes ranked 70, 68, 89, 72, 82 by rivals over the last 5 years.

I am undefeated in match play this year, but I don't belong on the Ryder Cup team.
Ignoring reality is recruiting classes ranked 70, 68, 89, 72, 82 by rivals over the last 5 years.

I am undefeated in match play this year, but I don't belong on the Ryder Cup team.

Recruiting is only one dynamic so what does that have to do with the price of pomelos in Romania??? Recruiting only matters to recruiting analysts...if it was about recruiting BSU would have never beaten OU nor would Utah have beaten 'Bama (for example).

BSU is playing Va. Tech this season. Va Tech may win but if they do it will be because they were the better team (players, system, conditioning, coaching, etc.) and/or made more plays that day . Not because of their recruiting classes per se.
Ignoring reality is recruiting classes ranked 70, 68, 89, 72, 82 by rivals over the last 5 years.

I am undefeated in match play this year, but I don't belong on the Ryder Cup team.

Recruiting is a crap shoot pretty much. Somebody has one player a 3star and another somebody has the same player a 5 star :dunno: The bigger schools are much deeper than Boise State; however, Boise State is usually much better coached than every team they play. Coaching is the real equalizer. Boise State had 1 first round draft pick and a couple in later rounds. Notre Dame didn't have anyone drafted this past draft :dunno:

If you played a top 10 PGA pro in match play once a year, you would get creamed every time. Boise State has defeated top 10 talent a couple of times in the past couple of years and twice when all the marbles were on the line.

Oregon came into Boise and got rocked, but the year before, Boise State went into Autzen and laid the smacketh on the Ducks. You and your Buckeyes go play Oregon there and see how you do :wave2:
Just a random thought.....but Boise State by now is considered a top program, very successful, plenty of titles and accolades to boast of........yet they still can't recruit top talent. This tells me that, despite being a great coach, Chris Peterson is a terrible recruiter. Same situation with Kirk Ferentz. IMO Ferentz is one of the very best coaches at X's and O's and motivating his team. Yet he never gets great athletes. And don't tell me it's cuz where their programs are located. Cuz, all things equal, who they fuck would wanna go to college in Tuscaloosa, AL, or Norman, OK?
1. Its clear y'all are using gross oversimplifications of the sport ala Sports Center rhetoric to make these grade school assertions.

2. Rankings are only relevant when arbitrarily assigning some type of non qualifier worth to a team. The majority of voters in the polls are not subjectively watching these teams play and are basing their vote on .....wait for it....how the team was 'ranked' (before). Do you catch that circular idiocy?

3. Rankings only exist to mythically declare a "NC". It is required because the playing field is NOT equal among teams or conferences. This very fundamental truth needs to be acknowledged or you risk missing the entire point of college football; the fun of it (tailgating, good matchups/games/rivalries). If we're looking to simply disqualify all teams not worthy to be in our BCS bowl games, then we have missed the excitement and appreciation of the games.

4. The "NC" (and the rankings that exist FOR it) matters only for sports writers and fans. It really is irrelevant and misses what CFB is about. None of it truly matters and if it did, we'd have a playoff tournament. We don't (currently). To get to a playoff, you would truly need consolidated athletic conferences to declare a conference champion in a legitimate manner (no more co-Big10 champions crowned without deciding it on the field). All things are not equal - Surviving through an SECOND buzzsaw every week, is not the same caliber of experience as competing against the Sun Belt.

5. Recruiting 'rankings' are about as bogus as the rankings discussed about above. The worth of recruiting is getting studs - the more you got, the more wins you'll have period. This is why the SEC / B12 schools dominate...this is why Ohio State is winning on the field regardless of 'who' their coach is. Tyrelle Pryor isn't good 'coaching' - he is a stud athlete, and he's better than the guy(s) lined up across the ball.

6. Coaching matters - but not as much as people believe. The best 'coaches' out there...aren't doing anything special or different from the next guy. 'Coaching' in the NCAA is about full-time, non-stop recruiting and selling your program to the next group of kids you can bring in. If you don't believe me, what is the single biggest 'problem' in CFB since its inception?

7. 'Strategy' matters <10% - don't let the BooYah Network fool you (see #6).

8. Just enjoy the games. The arguing of crowning the single one greatest team is pointless.


Believer In GregCentauro
if they disqualified USC from going to a BCS game...why didnt they just ban them for the whole regular season as well?...

Because if USC (highly unlikely, but possible) gets the number 1 or 2 spot in the end of the season, its gonna look pretty stupid to have a national title game of #1 vs #3, or #2 vs #3...
Just a random thought.....but Boise State by now is considered a top program, very successful, plenty of titles and accolades to boast of........yet they still can't recruit top talent. This tells me that, despite being a great coach, Chris Peterson is a terrible recruiter.
Nonsense. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Boise St. clearly has a system and apparently they are beating good teams without 5 star recruits all over their roster.

Because recruiting is such a crap shoot...getting great recruits only matters to some programs if they are getting so many top players that they can afford to have the occasional bust.
Same situation with Kirk Ferentz. IMO Ferentz is one of the very best coaches at X's and O's and motivating his team. Yet he never gets great athletes. And don't tell me it's cuz where their programs are located. Cuz, all things equal, who they fuck would wanna go to college in Tuscaloosa, AL, or Norman, OK?

Well, it's allot easier to get a great recruit who is from the south to go to a program like Alabama or a great recruit from Texas to go to OU than some kid coming out of the region to go to Iowa.

Alabama is a big fish in the SEC as is OU in the Big XII...these are national programs. Iowa isn't really a national program per se. Michigan, OSU and PSU are the national programs in the Big 10.
"Them planes go South, dey don't go North"
- Ed Orgeron, "Meat Market", 2006

Meaning you can get a northern player to come South, but you ain't gonna get a southern player to want to spend winters in Wisconsin.

Y'all are also discounting the city/culture surrounding the schools. Playing football in Baton Rouge is world's different than Iowa City (and I've sent players to both)
"Them planes go South, dey don't go North"
- Ed Orgeron, "Meat Market", 2006

Meaning you can get a northern player to come South, but you ain't gonna get a southern player to want to spend winters in Wisconsin.

Y'all are also discounting the city/culture surrounding the schools. Playing football in Baton Rouge is world's different than Iowa City (and I've sent players to both)

I don't know about Wisconsin or Iowa City (both have successfully recruited southern players in the past from what I've seen) but one of the greatest players in Michigan history was from Florida; Anthony Carter.:2 cents:
We're not making 1-dimensional statements, though. No one said 'northern schools never get southern players'. Merely providing perspective for framing an honest discussion (beyond that of sports fan rhetoric).

It is all about PLAYERS.
Quit wasting your time Mega. Dude is just spouting Colin Cowherd's ideas. Like most of what Cowherd says, it is based on truth, but it is over simplified & ignores contrary evidence.
Quit wasting your time Mega. Dude is just spouting Colin Cowherd's ideas. Like most of what Cowherd says, it is based on truth, but it is over simplified & ignores contrary evidence.

:dunno: I just made the silly assumption that "ain't gonna get" in that context was the equivalent to "never".
Just a random thought.....but Boise State by now is considered a top program, very successful, plenty of titles and accolades to boast of........yet they still can't recruit top talent. This tells me that, despite being a great coach, Chris Peterson is a terrible recruiter. Same situation with Kirk Ferentz. IMO Ferentz is one of the very best coaches at X's and O's and motivating his team. Yet he never gets great athletes. And don't tell me it's cuz where their programs are located. Cuz, all things equal, who they fuck would wanna go to college in Tuscaloosa, AL, or Norman, OK?

ok heres your answer nobody wants to play in tuscaloosa...hmmm...lets look at the flip side of this...how many nfl stars are from boise st??? ok how many nfl stars are from tuscaloosa....i dont know about you..but if im a 19 yo kid with loads of talent..im headed to tuscaloosa...damn a bunch of boise st...=3rd grade math???
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