Congrats on the draw with me!! Great record, huh? So anyway, how do we set up the conference call to Centauro??
Hell of it a Brit who likely never has even visited this thread, he has no idea he owes phone sex to both of us. Oh, what the hell? Let's see if we can we set it up with Mariah Milano instead.....of maybe missmarley if we can talk her into it!! I bet we can get her to wear a cheerleader outfit for us! :nanner:
Whattaya say Raider?? :dunno:
If that isn't possible.....(sigh) gimme a double-cheeseburger and hold the pickles.
Hey I'm all for it.And if we can't get that i guess I'll settle for the burger as well I'm not to picky.
Well actions speak louder than words. And don't call me Mark, OK?