Okie practically lost to Utah State and some other scrub team :dunno: How the hell are they #1? I think they are Top 3 worthy, but #1...c'mon.
Boise is getting fooked in this and it stinks.
I think the only fix that has to happen for CFB is the end of all Conferences. Make every team an independent. Let teams schedule who they want to. Let a panel of "experts" a la NCAA BBall committee decide and rank teams AFTER the season is done...
Okie probably will get hammered in the Big12 Champ game anyway...
There really hasn't been one game where you thought OU should have lost that game. They've had at least a 17 point lead in every single game, but they just can't seem to close the game. We're a Mariano Rivera away from being a dominate team.
No doubt Oregon and Boise State have been the more impressive teams this year. There's still a lot of football to play, so it's a little early to start panicking. I think towards the end of the season everything will work itself out.
I'm thinking OU is a year away from being a championship team. 27 freshman and sophomores on their 2 deep roster. This inexperience is probably the reason why they're so inconsistent. They will lose at some point this season.