How is Auburn 8 and Arkansas 11? Arkansas' loss to Alabama is alot better than any of Auburn's near losses to above average teams. (No South Carolina doesn't count. They're 'signature win' came against Georgia. Who is 1-4. The Southern Miss win is actually a more impressive win at this point.)
I had Florida a tad lower. Miami should be a tad higher. Michigan State at 17 is a joke. They're undefeated, just like Auburn and LSU (numbers 8 and 12). And their win over Wisconsin easily outweighs any wins by those teams.
When is the last time UM and MSU played and were both ranked??? When is the last time they played both as undefeateds???
The coaches must be high. Cuz they obviously didn't notice Northwestern almost lost to a horrible Minnesota team. And how is Texas still at 26??
Kansas State deserves to be higher than NU and Missouri.
auburn is the most underrated team in the nation..they have a better team than the numbers show...not to be took light...and south carolina has also got a smooth team...i didnt see boise #3..but i also dont see them dropping after winning ...and im still not sold on oregon...stanford was overrated..a good going to give oregon hell