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  1. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    The only thing I am guilty of is wanting for content providers to be able to make somewhat of a decent living.
  2. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    As a paying customer who wants to show support, I decided to take a look at a website that offers content that may or may not interest me. Of the 30 recent updates I only see 1 or 2 that somewhat interest me. No way am I going to pay $25.00 for a 1 month membership for the 1 or 2 updates that...
  3. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    Having a massive VHS or DVD collection is much more impressive than a collection of digital content on a hard drive. Wrestling VHS and DVDs are becoming sought after again now that streaming services are censoring and removing large parts of the original footage.
  4. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    Wanting for all content to be free is rather selfish. How are the content providers supposed to pay their rent?
  5. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    I want for the content providers to get paid as much as possible. The cost of living especially in the United States keeps rising and rising. I want for them to be able to make a decent living.
  6. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    The smartphone generation running a website has to deal with their fellow smartphone generation customers who are too cheap to cough up a monthly $29.99 for a membership.
  7. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    The worst case scenario is an adult Spotify where for a low monthly price a person can stream all the adult content they want while all the content providers receive only pennies for each stream.
  8. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    For a fan who wants to show some kind of financial support, they are more inclined to purchase individual clips as to opposed to paying a monthly membership of $29.99 plus
  9. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    I agree. Awful results. I wish the days of adult movie cinemas would make a comeback.
  10. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    Sadly I do not think many of the smartphone raised generation has the patience or the attention span to operate their very own websites.
  11. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    I am from the adult vhs/dvd generation so I am not exactly up to date with the latest trends in the industry. I am merely asking a question.
  12. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    One last thing I forgot to mention. Aren't many of the "tube" and "hub" sites now offering individual clips for sale? If I was an up and coming content creator I would prefer that route as opposed to dealing with having to promote and operate my own website. 1) Instant traffic/following for...
  13. H

    Websites dying? Moving forward, younger people will prefer to purchase individual adult clips as opposed to paying for memberships at websites?

    If I remember correctly, people grew tired of the full length albums/cds only having a couple of good songs so they preferred paying for those 1 or 2 individual songs rather than paying for the entire album/cd which was usually overpriced anyway. So will the same thing apply with adult content...
  14. H

    Do you look down on Clips4Sale content providers? Have lesser opinion of them?

    Some people with their own websites look down on others who do not have one. Tech snobs
  15. H

    Do you look down on Clips4Sale content providers? Have lesser opinion of them?

    I do not have anything against anyone.
  16. H

    Do you look down on Clips4Sale content providers? Have lesser opinion of them?

    Do you look down on or have a lesser of Clips4Sale content providers as opposed to content providers who have their very own websites and domain names?
  17. H

    Spanish Speaking Pornstars

    Will do.
  18. H

    Spanish Speaking Pornstars

    A professor from Spain tried to explain to me a few years ago why Latin American Spanish sounded more like the original Spanish than the Spanish currently spoken in Spain. I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about but he sounded convincing. He also said he preferred Latin American...
  19. H

    What in the hell happened to "" ? The site is no longer there.

    Well I hope somebody picks up their content so it does not disappear forever.
  20. H

    Spanish Speaking Pornstars

    Are you referring to Latin American Spanish? Because I find the way Spanish is spoken by Spaniards from Europe to be very annoying. Just like Italians from Italy and Italian Americans from the United States. It's very different.
  21. H

    What in the hell happened to "" ? The site is no longer there.

    MCN had to have been one of the first nude modeling sites to offer HD videos. At least from what I can remember.
  22. H

    What in the hell happened to "" ? The site is no longer there.

    They had been around since 2004. Lots and lots of content GONE FOREVER. Often the re uploads on other sites are at an inferior streaming video quality. Inferior compared to how they looked when downloaded from the original site.
  23. H

    What happens to a site's back catalog of videos when they go offline permanently?

    Sure I guess one could search for all of them individually online somewhere but that could take forever. Literally. So what exactly happens to a site's back catalog of videos when they go offline permanently? Do they just disappear for decades like a lot of the old school flicks from the 1970s...
  24. H

    What in the hell happened to "" ? The site is no longer there.

    The entire MC-NUDES video archive is gone. That is what I am more concerned with at the moment.
  25. H

    What in the hell happened to "" ? The site is no longer there.

    What happens to a site's back catalog off videos when they go offline permanently?
  26. H

    What in the hell happened to "" ? The site is no longer there.

    I usually take a few months off so the updates can accumulate then I subscribe again but the site is no longer there. I keep getting redirected to some strip show site. Did the strip show business plan become more profitable for them?
  27. H

    Female Escorts. Do you prefer the younger ones just starting out or older ones with more experience?

    I have relative who is fucked financially if he ever divorces his wife. (Sadly the romance in his marriage ended a log time ago) She will end up getting half of what little he has. So he cannot exactly strut around town in public with women other than his wife. Very discrete encounters are...
  28. H

    Female Escorts. Do you prefer the younger ones just starting out or older ones with more experience?

    Not everyone is desperate. Some guys are stuck in failed marriages (for many reasons) and want a discrete encounter with a woman other than their wife. Other guys may be single but work long hours and have no time to seek out single women for sexual encounters.
  29. H

    Is porn at the forefront of 4K technology?

    Don't keep everything. Delete it and only keep what you desperately want to keep.
  30. H

    Is porn at the forefront of 4K technology?

    Eventually everybody is going to be forced to embrace it don't you think? Future 18+ year olds (the subscription website subscribers of the future) will expect nothing less than UHD right?
  31. H

    Is porn at the forefront of 4K technology?

    I constantly hear people complaining about the lack of 4K content for their brand new 4K televisions. But a quick internet search for those in the know would reveal that simply is not the case. Is porn at the forefront of 4K technology?
  32. H

    Dangerous or not: Latino gangsta girls

    I think you have watched way too many Hollywood movies. Anyone is capable of beating anyone in a fight. Just because gang members are from the United States does not mean they are tougher than anybody else.
  33. H

    How long does it take for you to download a 4K video file on to your computer?

    You must have a really good internet connection.
  34. H

    Dangerous or not: Latino gangsta girls

    Mexico and the rest of Latin America is where the Europeans (Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese) were victorious and the indigenous people lost. So anything having to do with the indigenous culture is always viewed as being inferior. That includes one's physical appearance as well.
  35. H

    Dangerous or not: Latino gangsta girls

    The latino gang member types are definitely more dangerous and also have a track record of committing violent acts to prove it. If you take away all of their guns they would just pull out knives or other weapons. As far as the latino women lets take Mexico as an example. In Mexico having a...
  36. H

    How long does it take for you to download a 4K video file on to your computer?

    Obviously it all depends on the build of your computer but please use the following lengths as examples in your answer. 10 minute 4K video. 20 minute 4K video. 30 minute 4K video. Do you use a desktop or a laptop? Do you use a smartphone? Is this even possible?
  37. H

    Dangerous or not: Latino gangsta girls

    Are you a man or a woman? I am not being sarcastic. I think one would need to be more worried about the men these types of women would hang around with. Their men are the type who would do something crazy, stupid and irrational over something as simple as being disrespected. In my opinion...
  38. H

    For subscription website videos over 10 min do you prefer streaming or having to download the file?

    I think the technology may already exist by now for quality streaming.
  39. H

    For subscription website videos over 10 min do you prefer streaming or having to download the file?

    Streaming would let you know in less time if the video is worth downloading later on.
  40. H

    For subscription website videos over 10 min do you prefer streaming or having to download the file?

    Perhaps the mindset of some sites is streaming would making viewing all of the content on their sites easier and faster. Downloading takes more time so you are less likely to view everything quickly and then cancel your membership and move on to something else.
  41. H

    For subscription website videos over 10 min do you prefer streaming or having to download the file?

    In the time it takes to download a file (for example 20 minutes) one could easily stream/skip through 20+ videos. With the flood of content that is out there, time is crucial.
  42. H

    For subscription website videos over 10 min do you prefer streaming or having to download the file?

    I am surprised there are still some subscription sites who do not offer instant streaming. We are in 2016 not 2006 so the technology to do so is definitely available.
  43. H

    For subscription website videos over 10 min do you prefer streaming or having to download the file?

    For subscription website members on here if there is a video/movie on a site over 10 minutes in length do your prefer to be able to instantly stream it or wait for it to download on to your computer?
  44. H

    Am I the only one who thinks the current black girl weave/wig/fake straight hair era is disgusting?

    If a black girl has her own natural hair straightened out I do not have a problem with that. If a black girl has her own natural hair combed out into an Afro I do not have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the current black girl trend of weaves & wigs. Fake...
  45. H

    Am I the only one who thinks the current black girl weave/wig/fake straight hair era is disgusting?

    This may be true but I feel it is much more prevalent right now than ever before.
  46. H

    Am I the only one who thinks the current black girl weave/wig/fake straight hair era is disgusting?

    Black women look so much more attractive with their own natural hair. This current black girl weave, wig, fake straight hair era is disgusting. I hate all of it.
  47. H

    How Much You Supposed To Tip The Pizza Delivery Driver?

    Are all of your personal insults and personal attacks on other posters really necessary?