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  1. Jack Davenport

    I just had a sirloin steak and I put ketchup on it and it was delicious

    And now that I have given the finger to this taboo, I am going to do it again in the future. Fuck the steak snobs. #SteakKnivesMatter
  2. Jack Davenport

    Governor of Oregon will defy Trump if he asks her to activate the national guard :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Yeah because those Mexican cartels are wreaking havoc on Medford. Fucking Democrats. :1orglaugh
  3. Jack Davenport

    Trump to order U.S. troops to U.S./Mexican border.

    Hot fucking damn! Hail!
  4. Jack Davenport

    *lol* @ snowflake media, latest Rasmussen poll puts Trump at 50% approval Looks like we are gonna need more bats.
  5. Jack Davenport

    While doing a little yard work yesterday...

    ..because spring is here it was time to break out the weed trimmer. This was the first start of the year and I knew it was gonna need a good yank or two to get it started. I felt the branches of a nearby plum tree poking me in the back but thought nothing of it. So I yank on the weed trimmer...
  6. Jack Davenport

    London now has a higher murder rate than New York City But.. but .. but.. we don’t have guns!!
  7. Jack Davenport

    ****BREAKING NEWS *****Rod Rosenstein fires Robert Mueller!

    Holy flying shitballs!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahah
  8. Jack Davenport

    9 hairstyles no man should ever have *lol* @ #9 Seriously, who would wear that?
  9. Jack Davenport

    Can we find two or three more porn stars that Trump has banged? Hopefully we can, and drive up his approval numbers over 60 percent.
  10. Jack Davenport

    Eagles Of Death Metal singer thinks March For Our Lives enthusiasts are disrespectful He actually experienced gun violence perpetrated by people that no law would have stopped. Good for him. I have always thought they were an underrated band. I like them even more now.
  11. Jack Davenport

    Is mockery against board rules?

    Because I believe it is being confused with harassment. I think someone with an IQ over 50 would be able to distinguish between the two. Asking for a friend.
  12. Jack Davenport

    *lol* Trump got 716 billion for the military, guess what he is going to build?

    That’s right.. The motherfucking wall! He’s designating the wall as a national defense priority and congress gave him the money to build it. #ArmyCorpsOfEngineers #3-Dchess #OrangeRetardRollsCongress
  13. Jack Davenport

    Porn stars that have really let themselves go

    Carmella Bing Ron Jeremy Kiara Mia Ginger Lynn Others? I look forward to Dino’s contributions on this thread.
  14. Jack Davenport

    Personal pan Trump Presidency thread.

    In response to a couple of comments on the other thread. Michael Cohen wisely handled negotiations with Stormy Daniels without the involvement of Donald Trump. He gambled that the 130,000 payout would make her and her “story” go away. Daniels agreed to the NDA but Cohen knew that she may come...
  15. Jack Davenport

    Former first son Danny Williams should change his name to William Jefferson Blythe Clinton IV

    I mean, come on. #BlackLivesMatter #BringThemToHeel #BrownSugar
  16. Jack Davenport

    H.R.McMaster out!

    About damn time. The great purge of the globalists has begun.
  17. Jack Davenport

    Horrific bridge/skywalk collapse at Florida International University with multiple fatalities
  18. Jack Davenport

    Stephen Hawking : 1942-2018
  19. Jack Davenport

    Trump to Tillerson: You’re fired! CIA director Mike Pompeo to replace.
  20. Jack Davenport

    House Intelligence Committee concludes investigation, determines no Trump/Russia collusion. IMPEACH FO-TAH FIVE! IMPEACH FO-TAH FIVE!
  21. Jack Davenport

    Is Eminem guilty of cultural appropriation?

    Judging by everything he does, The way he talks and the clothes that he wears, I’d say that he is. Based on the left’s definition. Discuss.
  22. Jack Davenport

    Kamala Harris should be expelled from the senate.

    This sorry cunt is blatantly advocating violating the law and encouraging impeding law enforcement from doing their job. She was one of the...
  23. Jack Davenport

    Mexican presidential candidate campaigns in Los Angeles Secede already. I’ll help you move. #BuildThatWall
  24. Jack Davenport

    Making jobs great again

    313,000 new jobs added in February. In honor of Black History Month. If Reagan was the Teflon president then Trump must be the Kevlar president. Hail.
  25. Jack Davenport

    *lol* @ unhinged snowflakes

    Update ******** 3/07/2018 Hillary Clinton is still not president. :1orglaugh :1orglaugh
  26. Jack Davenport

    lol @ Sam Nunberg Several board libs probably need to be put on suicide watch after the main stream media were made fools of by this clown. “collusion” :1orglaugh #MuellerTime
  27. Jack Davenport

    Aussie Diplomat that helped spark Trump/Russia probe has connections to the Clntons

    It looks like the special counsel appointment is just around the corner. This should seal it. #Schadenboner Reap it.
  28. Jack Davenport

    Unhinged snowflake Democrat soy boy arrested for sending white powder to Donald Trump Jr. Probably has a nice baseball bat collection or likes to post memes all day too.
  29. Jack Davenport


    The loony left have done it again. “Never Again” is associated with holocaust remembrance and the fact that it is being used to promote gun control should be offensive to everyone and especially Jewish people. #FuckTheLeft #FromMyColdDeadHands
  30. Jack Davenport

    Macron is a war monger!!!

    First, he sits back and basks in a disgusting display of military weaponry and soldiers goose stepping and Dassault flyovers, now he threatens Syria! If...
  31. Jack Davenport

    Take a ride..ride..ride.. ride.. on Falcon Heavy

    It’s the only way that you can travel down that road... As a Tesla owner I found the parallels ( intentional but so what) to be very cool.
  32. Jack Davenport

    Emmanuel Macron’s approval is lower than Trump’s Funny, Johan has never mentioned this once. :) #LittleManny #OldWife #MindYourOwnFuckedUpApprovalNumbers
  33. Jack Davenport

    lol @ climate nuts, sinking island of Tuvalu is growing and flourishing

    #ClimateHoax #FuckNeilDeGrasseTyson
  34. Jack Davenport

    Left wing kook site the Daily Dot claims that Melania had the White House exorcised

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Dumb fucks thought she said “ exorcise” when her heavy accent was saying “ exercise” to The Donald. After Clinton and Obama it certainly needed it.
  35. Jack Davenport

    Miss Hybrid’s official profile photo

    I don’t recall seeing that one before. So stunning it deserves its own thread. #Classy #Elegant
  36. Jack Davenport

    Trump will NOT declassify Democrat memo

    Because all Democrats are lying sacks of shit and they purposely included sources and methods so that he wouldn’t release it and they can cry foul! He should send it to the FBI and have them make the redactions...
  37. Jack Davenport

    Idiot Adam Schiff gets pranked seeking dirt on Trump

    We don’t need baseball bats and threats of physical violence against the left, we just let them self destruct all on their own. What a maroon!!! :1orglaugh :1orglaugh...
  38. Jack Davenport

    Dat Dow tho

    The correction that was anticipated is happening. There will be buying opportunities in a few days. I laughed.
  39. Jack Davenport

    Naked Instagram model gives cops all they can handle while trying to arrest her I’d probably let her rough me up.
  40. Jack Davenport

    Should illegal aliens be given the right to vote in American elections?

    Serious question. I want to see just how far off of the deep end you lefties have gone.
  41. Jack Davenport

    One of Elon Musk’s companies are selling flamethrowers to the general public This won’t end well. Only a good guy with a flamethrower can stop a bad guy with a flamethrower. A question, don’t flamethrowers harm the environment?
  42. Jack Davenport

    Why Obama and his minions are in a heap of trouble

    The way the Democrats planned on things turning out: Hillary Clinton wins the presidency 400 electoral votes to Trump’s 138. Fusion GPS, The Russian honey pot all have done their jobs in trying to set up the Trump campaign in a collusion sting. The phony dossier is in place but no longer...
  43. Jack Davenport

    Democrats don’t like low unemployment, a booming economy or a path to citizenship for “ Dreamers” #What’sGoodForAmericaIsBadForDemocrats
  44. Jack Davenport

    *loller* Trump is slaying at Davos! The globalists don’t know what hit them! Approval jumps to 45 percent. Dow soars! America First! #MAGA
  45. Jack Davenport

    “Amnesty Don” The 2020 primaries are Tom Cotton’s to lose.
  46. Jack Davenport

    John F. Kerry aka “Bolt Neck” in violation of the Logan Act Private citizen “mashed potato face” thinks he should conduct U.S. foreign policy.
  47. Jack Davenport

    Everytime Democrats find themselves in hot water their emails and texts go missing

    Hillary Clinton Lois Lerner Peter Strzok and Lisa Page A hard rain is gonna fall. #FuckTheLeft
  48. Jack Davenport

    *lol* Democrats cave on DACA, Schumer Shutdown ends, no blue wave in sight Trump-1 Schumer-0