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  1. Jack Davenport

    March in Germany for victims of killer migrants

    And this was necessary, why? You know, because immigration is good for Europe. Idiots. #WeAreTheWorld
  2. Jack Davenport

    Take this photo...

    And replace it with David Duke, Alex Jones, John Hagee and President Trump on the stage together at a funeral for a white country music star. You know something? Fuck the cotdam left!! You legitimize your racist anti-Semite clowns and everyone on the right is a Nazi. Seriously, fuck off.
  3. Jack Davenport

    I have never visited the shemale section of the board

    Do heterosexual males visit the shemale section of the board? I guess it could serve some purpose in comparisons and shit like that. What goes on over there? Literally asking for a friend. (RJS) was too embarrassed to ask. #ForTheCurious
  4. Jack Davenport

    Stay classy McCain family

    As far as I know, Sarah Palin never said an unkind word about McCain even in the aftermath of him throwing her under the bus. This guy was a liberal Democrat. He fooled the...
  5. Jack Davenport

    Injustice alert! Security guard that recorded 6 months of on the job farts has been fired!

    Give me a break! I was fond of the wet ones. I laughed...
  6. Jack Davenport

    Trump’s bitch and Greenie, Malcolm Turnbull ousted as Australian Prime Mnister Fuck him and his internment camps.
  7. Jack Davenport

    “Wonderful woman”and #MeToo activist Asia Argento seduced a 17 year old boy & texts pics of her tits

    “Wonderful woman”and #MeToo activist Asia Argento seduced a 17 year old boy & texts pics of her tits
  8. Jack Davenport

    WTF? Former KISS guitarist comes out of a 25 year seclusion as a 66 year old retired grandmother

    He was always kinda androgynous back in the day, but this guy is transitioning big time. He can still shred. I don’t really care except for the fact that he hasn’t addressed it but it is obvious something is going on with him.
  9. Jack Davenport

    *Yawn* Just more people being run over by vehicles in England Hey England! You’re fucked!
  10. Jack Davenport

    Kamala Harris: You fuck her or no?

    Dino would be able to find some photoshopped .gifs of her sucking dick and taking one up the ass but I couldn’t. I’d probably do her while wearing a MAGA condom. No way I am fucking her without a jimmy cap after Willie Brown tapped that shit.
  11. Jack Davenport

    Let teh suck begin
  12. Jack Davenport

    So about this Alex Jones purge from social media

    For years, I listened to the media’s portrayal of him and said, oh that guy is a nut. I think it was the 9/11 truther shit that turned me off. Then I heard the Sandy Hook crap and was like holy shit what a fucking loon. Then a funny thing happened. It turns out that there is a conspiracy...
  13. Jack Davenport

    The official Fuck The Left appreciation thread

    They are yelling “ Fuck white supremacy” to a black woman and blowing whistles and screaming like they are demonic. I’d like to punch the little punk that starts running his mouth off to Charlie Kirk in the neck. Let’s just get this civil war onto the hot stage already.
  14. Jack Davenport

    2 senior citizens escape German nursing home to attend the Wacken 4 day heavy metal festival Nursing home officials became aware that something was wrong when nurses went to their rooms and did Nazi them.
  15. Jack Davenport

    Beer made with vaginal lactic acid goes on sale

    Would you like a little head with your beer?
  16. Jack Davenport

    RIP Nikolai Volkoff

    And as a huge fan of all things Russian, I am deeply saddened by the loss of Nikolai. Fuck CNN! “played a villainous Soviet wrestler” my ass. He WAS a villainous Soviet wrestler. Fake news motherfuckers...
  17. Jack Davenport

    Brawl breaks out at Donald Trump’s Hollywood Walk Of Fame location

    So the important question is, where can I get one of those Trump jerseys.
  18. Jack Davenport

    U.S. economy grew at a strong 4.1% in 2018 quarter 2 even though we voted for Trump In progress...
  19. Jack Davenport

    And CNN gets all butthurt when they are referred to as Fake News

    Now they claim that Jeff Sessions joined in a chant of “Lock Her Up!”. I’m no lawyer but Sessions is a prosecutor and prosecutors tend to be biased in their opinion of whether or not...
  20. Jack Davenport

    Mass stabbing on bus in Deutschland

    In Deutschland of all places!!! What’s next? France!
  21. Jack Davenport

    Trump to crack down on soy Oh.Fuck.Yeah. Soon the transition back to male will begin en masse.
  22. Jack Davenport

    Sara A. Carter: You fuck her or no?

    This photo doesn’t really do her justice but she has some enormous breastuses.
  23. Jack Davenport

    Trump requests new hi-vis paint scheme for Air Force One fleet.

    More “ American” looking. :1orglaugh To replace the old Jackie Kennedy designed powder blue. Digging the escort by the boys in the F-15 Strike Eagle right up the road from me at Seymour Johnson AFB. #4thWing
  24. Jack Davenport

    Stormy Daniels arrested for letting horny fellas touch her on the whatever
  25. Jack Davenport

    Ok, *ahem* Women are putting wasp nests in their vaginas You heard me the first time, I don’t chew my cabbage twice.
  26. Jack Davenport

    College students do not like Trump’s SCOTUS nominee

    There’s just one problem with that. This is America’s “ best and brightest”.
  27. Jack Davenport

    Check out this Democrat with a gun *** Graphic video*** Could have been a Darwin recipient.
  28. Jack Davenport

    *LOL* @ Sandra Raphael from Facebook

    Wanting to be friends and shit. Briana should send her a request, that would be funny.
  29. Jack Davenport

    U.S. adds 213,000 new jobs in June even though we voted for Trump Unemployment rose slightly because people started looking for work again. Suck it.
  30. Jack Davenport

    Barack Obama July 4 2018: Zero Fucks Given

    *crickets* From Obama on July 4th. No Tweets, no Facebook posting, nothing on the Michelle and Barack Obama office website. Even Hillary Clinton managed to put down her glass of brandy to Tweet something out. If a lib wants to point to something he said regarding the 4th I’ll be happy to be...
  31. Jack Davenport

    LOL @ baseball bats, Proud Boy exacts instant karma on Antifa pussy

    Of course I am not condoning violence of any form.
  32. Jack Davenport

    Shooting at the Capitol Gazette in Annapolis Maryland **** Breaking****
  33. Jack Davenport

    Super nice and center right SCOTUS Justice retires Hot.Fucking.Damn Here’s to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s declining health as well. 6-3
  34. Jack Davenport

    Center right candidate unseats moderate Democrat and all around liberal nice guy Joe Crowley in NY

    This woman is a very reasonable “ nice woman” who I am certain admits it when she is wrong and doesn’t run off like a pussy when her ideas are challenged. The real story in November will not be a blue wave but rather Democrats eating their own and more “ center right” Democratic socialists...
  35. Jack Davenport

    More Americans believe we are better off with a GOP Congress even though we voted for Trump Dat blue wave tho. Suck it libshits.
  36. Jack Davenport

    SCOTUS: Upholds Trump’s travel ban. Immigration: We got this.
  37. Jack Davenport

    51 percent of Americans approve of the handling of the economy, even though we voted for Trump It doesn’t take a degree from Marquette to see that.
  38. Jack Davenport

    What in the hell is going on with Alura Jenson’s face?

  39. Jack Davenport

    The official Ace MF Boobtoucher appreciation thread

    You cotdam right.
  40. Jack Davenport

    Anyone have a baseball bat?

    6 months later I am just learning of this.
  41. Jack Davenport

    Black man gets his reparations coffee from Starbucks

    Look at these stupid fucking libtard baristas! She’s a student at Rider, a private university. I am surprised her cotdam White guilt didn’t ooze into his coffee. Once she goes back to classes she can ask why there are less Asian students because they don’t like their “ collective attitude” Next...
  42. Jack Davenport

    So I was at a Bojangle’s restaurant this morning...

    .... and the guy placing the orders had these bumps and cysts all over his face and hands kinda like the condition John Merrick ( the elephant man) had but without the other disfigurement. I am embarrassed to say that I was a little startled by his appearance and hopefully I did not show any...
  43. Jack Davenport

    Moonlight Bunny Ranch pimp wins Nevada Republican primary Make Happy Endings Great Again
  44. Jack Davenport

    Babe wearing Ciao Felicia shirt

    Asking for a friend
  45. Jack Davenport

    “We’re America, bitch!” The schadenboner never ends. #TrumpDoctrine
  46. Jack Davenport

    SCOTUS just disenfranchised millions of dead voters #KasichWept
  47. Jack Davenport

    Let’s be honest here. I’d rather have a leader with a comb over than fake eyebrows

    I mean this is just.. Beyond.Fucking.Creepy.
  48. Jack Davenport

    Dr. Charles Krauthammer is saying goodbye Just a few weeks left to live. This is very sad. He wasn’t Trump’s biggest fan but the guy always made sense. We are losing a brilliant mind. Another...
  49. Jack Davenport

    Seriously, fuck Google

    These motherfuckers honor everything from Sadie Hawkins Day to Ramadan and not one damn thing remembering those that made the ultimate sacrifice 74 years ago today. Dat Duck Duck Go tho.