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  1. Jack Davenport

    No voter fraud my ass! Video of Obama encouraging voter fraud by illegals If we lose this election, I will take solace in the fact that Democrats have to resort to cheating mechanisms to be victorious. They never win on an even playing field or with their ideas. Pool hustler to the defense in.. 3... 2... 1....
  2. Jack Davenport

    German guesthouse tells Israelis there is no room at the inn You know, tolerant,diverse Europe and all.
  3. Jack Davenport

    ****BREAKING**** Loretta Lynch pleads the fifth in congressional Iran "ransom" probe An AG invoking her 5th amendment privilege. "The most transparent administration in history" #DrainTheMFSwamp
  4. Jack Davenport

    ****BREAKING**** FBI reopens Clinton email investigation!! There are a few patriots at the FBI that are in a power struggle.
  5. Jack Davenport

    Post a thread title Sam Fisher would have made during this election

    "Hahahahahahaha Hillary Clinton is going to fucking PRISON!!!! She's toast!!!!!!!1111111!!!"
  6. Jack Davenport

    I had several professors at UNC just like this guy

    Their Jedi mind tricks didn't work on me. In fact, I told a professor that if I got a bad grade for disagreeing with her that I would sue the university and I wouldn't need a degree. *flexes*
  7. Jack Davenport

    Oregon wildlife refuge takeover defendants acquitted Hate it for ya Johan
  8. Jack Davenport

    The Trump candidacy: What went wrong?

    Not reaching out to hispanics and Muslims was the death knell of his presidential run. He should have reached out to women also and not come across as a misogynist asswipe. What could have been. What could have been. Gene Simmons 2024 (Hillary will serve 2 terms so why bother with 2020?)
  9. Jack Davenport

    I guarantee a Hillary Clinton landslide

    Fellow conservatives, this thing is ovah! I'll be handing out donut cushions for the butt hurt.
  10. Jack Davenport

    Hillary Clinton to be tougher on marijuana Is this her public or private position?
  11. Jack Davenport

    I am now a liberal

    Clinton won, Trump was a complete disaster. What was I thinking? Obama has lowered the deficit for 5 straight years. He was handed the worst economy since the great depression. We have to do something about man made climate change or our children will not have a future! Bravo America for...
  12. Jack Davenport

    The Alfred E. Smith dinner turned ugly tonight Christ!
  13. Jack Davenport

    The tolerant left firebombs NC GOP office. I have met Dallas Woodhouse several times. He's pissed.
  14. Jack Davenport

    KFC's Nashville Hot Chicken: Damn it's good!

    So good I have had it 2 nights in a row. Woooooooo woooooooo wewwwwwwww!
  15. Jack Davenport

    About that unarmed person of color that was shot and killed because cops hate people of color...

    He was all jacked up on PCP. People all jacked up on PCP generally cause a cop's blood pressure to rise.
  16. Jack Davenport

    Is it possible to grab a woman by the pussy?

    Please advise.
  17. Jack Davenport

    Hurricane Matthew

    He's getting ready to fuck up my weekend. Gotta start boarding up windows at home and my office
  18. Jack Davenport

    There really isn't much difference between the 2 major parties. GHWB to vote for Pantsuit Don't let the door hit you on the way out, and take your cuck boys with you while you're at it. This may be the best thing to ever happen to Trump.
  19. Jack Davenport

    Hillary Clinton just had her 47 Percent moment. Calls Trump supporters "Basket of deplorables"

    Hillary Clinton just had her 47 Percent moment. Calls Trump supporters "Basket of deplorables" See you in November bitch.
  20. Jack Davenport

    Obama trashes America 18 times on foreign soil

    Here are 18 separate attacks he unloaded while in China and Laos: There are still too many poor children in the United States Too many children in America are not getting enough to eat Despite America's wealth, we’re not providing sufficient educational resources in poor communities...
  21. Jack Davenport

    Francois Hollande: Dumb ass Le Pen 2017 Make France Less Muslim Again
  22. Jack Davenport

    Colleges now offering segregated housing Brown vs Board Of Education, Equal Housing now makes for "inclusive racism". Liberalism is like that spinning top that flies off the edge of a table. You fuckers figure this shit out, I can't keep up with it anymore.
  23. Jack Davenport

    I am so glad we elected Obama, now the world loves us!
  24. Jack Davenport

    Becoming very interesting on the Ukraine/Russian border
  25. Jack Davenport

    South Carolina school district deems displaying the American flag taunting Hispanic students

    That's right.. SOUTH Carolina. I've had enough of this cotdam bullshit. #revolution
  26. Jack Davenport

    Colin Kaepernick refuses to stand for U.S. national anthem

    This is more political than sports related so I posted it here. Well within his rights if he chooses, but if he really wants to take a stand, turn down the paycheck that comes from a...
  27. Jack Davenport

    Today's WTF?: Steely Dan and Doobie Bros guitarist Jeff Skunk Baxter is defense consultant

    Specializing in missile systems
  28. Jack Davenport

    Apocalyptic predictions during the 1st Earth Day These were consensus predictions by the scientific elite. More evidence that the environmental movement and warmist cultology are rooted...
  29. Jack Davenport

    Hey everybody! Let's mock some lurkers!

    We can start with animus. A guy that is part Asian should be able to do alcohol math just a little better dontcha think?
  30. Jack Davenport

    John Stossel has lung cancer.. complains about hospital customer service Even with a life threatening illness.. Stossel still being Stossel. lol He should ask Dr. D David Schultz to just slap the cancer out of him.
  31. Jack Davenport

    "I could care less" Obviously this woman is illiterate. :D