Windows 7 pricing gets unveiled

About 130 bucks, according to Google.

Thank you I didnt mean to offend any one. Im an american I am an asshole who pretends that the world revolves around america. I am also insensitive to other culture and belief systems, But I love all your funny little accents.

(please note: That is alot of sarcasm for some of you so please dont over load on it, else you'll get a headache)
Direct response to Apple's pricing plan, pure and simple. I will say it is smart to make upgrading from Vista free, but I would hope they'd lower the price (and with it the expectations) in order to corner Apple again.


Direct response to Apple's pricing plan, pure and simple. I will say it is smart to make upgrading from Vista free, but I would hope they'd lower the price (and with it the expectations) in order to corner Apple again.

Apple cornered itself with many stupid devices.

After the one button mouse and horrible gaming set up back in the days I gave up on them as a company. I'd never buy anything from them. I'd rather have a virus infected computer on fire.
So the EU did not get their way?? Penalties penalties .... :yahoo:
Apple cornered itself with many stupid devices.

After the one button mouse and horrible gaming set up back in the days I gave up on them as a company. I'd never buy anything from them. I'd rather have a virus infected computer on fire.

Apple certainly cornered itself, but I think the devices were just marketed to a select audience. It's why Mac seems to have such a cult following, (although it seems to be catching on more and more in the mainstream). Also, Microsoft did some borderline illegal shady stuff to pull ahead of Apple in the home computer wars.
Direct response to Apple's pricing plan, pure and simple. I will say it is smart to make upgrading from Vista free, but I would hope they'd lower the price (and with it the expectations) in order to corner Apple again.

Probably is, are you an Apple OS user shayd? I personally have not used Apple OS, is it better value than M$? I use mainly windows (OK) Linux and Unix (great OSs). I would switch full-time to Linux if it were able to run all my Win apps/games properly.

So any of you guys tempted to switch to Windows 7 when it finally arrives.
Probably is, are you an Apple OS user shayd? I personally have not used Apple OS, is it better value than M$? I use mainly windows (OK) Linux and Unix (great OSs). I would switch full-time to Linux if it were able to run all my Win apps/games properly.

So any of you guys tempted to switch to Windows 7 when it finally arrives.

I run just about every OS out there on at least one of my machines. Asking which OS is "better" is sort of a tough question because inevitably, fan boys of both sides will clash. I will tell you that OS X is definitely intuitive, snappy, and functional, value-wise, it would depend on what you want to get out of it. There are a number of uses where OS X is a bit more intuitive than Windows, however the reverse is also true. So it's really just a preference thing, not so much one is better than the other.

Also, if you want to check out Linux there are a number of ways you can experience it.

1. Download Virtual Box from Sun, download a Linux distro and install it as a virtual machine. This will run Linux inside of Windows sort of the same way as a program.

2. Download Wubi, which will install a directory for Linux to run locally. This will give you the ability dual-boot without the hassle of re-partitioning your hard-drive.

3. You can re-partition your hard-drive and install a disto to the new partition.

No matter which you choose, a Linux program called WINE (stands for Windows Is Not Emulated) that will let you run Windows programs from inside Linux seemlessly.