On behalf of all men I would like to take this opportunity to thank sp00ner77 for acquainting us with the gargantuan behind of Kim Kardashian as well as with the stupendous backside of Jennifer Lopez.
So should I just fiddle with my glowsticks while I wait for that sample to end? I don't want to hear a dead man sing - I want to rave! Party hard! I still have some blow left in my Ed Hardy wallet G. Also, I'm wearing shades indoors. Italian ones.
I for one still thinks she wasn't born a girl. Now I'm not saying she's a hermaphrodite or anything, but no way she's always been 100% female. Even after seeing that Telephone video, I still think she's got real male traits.
He don't go to no Bed, Bath and beyond ese!
And he can still hold his guns after finishing all those gangsta ass Coronas. Oh, no wait, there you go, he's pointing them at his own head.
I can't wait for their new album. I still find the video very interesting because I still have the feeling some parts aren't staged.
There was a big riot in France a while ago when the video came out, politicians were shocked and MTV refused to broadcast it. It was even taken down on YouTube a...
Thousands and thousands of people never saw this music video coming. It really has made quite an impact online.