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  1. thatzeppellin

    best pink floyd album?

    i like almost all floyd albums most fave would probably be Animals Meddle DSotM would zabriskie point be considered an album?
  2. thatzeppellin

    Final Fantasy 13 coming to x360

    most people in japan will probably bu it for the ps3. it will be released there a few months before the u.s version anyway.
  3. thatzeppellin

    Has there been a thread recenlty, with side pics like this?

    idk, but that is hot! any more of this girl?
  4. thatzeppellin

    what game are you playing right now?

    how is that game? ive thought about getting it. and current game playing; Civilization 4
  5. thatzeppellin

    Who has the best musical culture?

    goodbye blue sky- pink floyd
  6. thatzeppellin

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Bomb New Jersey- Voltaire
  7. thatzeppellin

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Ice monster- minus the bear
  8. thatzeppellin

    God of War 3 Thread

    I liked killzone when it came out. I beat it than never really looked at it again, but you should see what they are doing with 2. It looks beautiful, and multiplayer sounds like its gonna be up their with CoD4!
  9. thatzeppellin

    Is Your Town Famous In Fiction?

    according to the site posted, nothing written about orlando ,florida
  10. thatzeppellin

    Test your "political compass"

    Libertarian Left... and i voted for bush last election... lol
  11. thatzeppellin

    God of War 3 Thread

    I guess my decision in buying the ps3 only for mgs4 is turning out to be a good idea. this and killzone 2 will be great!
  12. thatzeppellin

    Final Fantasy 13 coming to x360

    I have to agree with x-2. I loved X but i only played a few hours of x-2 and got bored very quickly. Dirge was a fun action shooter, nothing more. Fave aeon in X; Anima =) total crazy bad ass mofo lol
  13. thatzeppellin

    Final Fantasy 13 coming to x360

    this game is taking forever to make. Im glad they are building on the battle system from XII. Just dont do the licenses again! I hated how you could make every character the same type of class. I like having my damage dealer, my healer, my defender and so on.. what do you think legz
  14. thatzeppellin

    Shay Laren

    she is so gorgeous however I just cant get over how much her left tit is smaller than her right. doesnt mean I wouldnt hit it though =))
  15. thatzeppellin

    Final Fantasy 13 coming to x360

    now we just have to wait for it to actually come out!! Its not even slated for this year, but those other games they introduced, like Lost Remnant, looked pretty cool
  16. thatzeppellin

    Final Fantasy 13 coming to x360

    Who else is excited about hearing the news that there will be an xbox version of FF13. I have been a long time fan of the series and when I saw the announcement i got all giddy like a lil school girl :nanner:
  17. thatzeppellin

    Gears of War 2

    yea after seeing the E3 demo I take back my statement about it just being like the old one.
  18. thatzeppellin

    Gears of War 2

    is it me or does it just look like gow1 with a few upgrades?
  19. thatzeppellin

    How do you make yourself shoot your cum further?

    cup your balls as your about to nut
  20. thatzeppellin

    What game are you waiting for?

    the game i WAS waiting for was MGS4, I bought a PS3 just for that reason. Now I guess it would be any new final fantasy game for ps3 (13 or tactics)
  21. thatzeppellin

    Sweet Amy Lee

    Re: This Girl is Preggolicious she has a cute accent too =) nice finds again
  22. thatzeppellin

    Sweet Amy Lee

    Re: This Girl is Preggolicious thanks maleonetwo for all those awsome posts
  23. thatzeppellin

    Jessica Lynn [2006 - 2014] / J. Linn / Yessica

    my fave new chick. we deff need to see more of her and that awesome body
  24. thatzeppellin

    Sweet Krissy why did she cut up her nipples? her tits were already big and didnt need any implants. i miss the old nipples! lol
  25. thatzeppellin

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    goodfellas been in a mafia type movie mood for a while been watching the sopranos series a lot
  26. thatzeppellin

    Alicia Blu / Alicia Blew / Xandria

    Re: mature redhead which we've all seen - alicia blu ive only seen that one scene with the shoe looking chair, she deff looks better with the red hair. the beginning of the scene is pretty hot