Who else is excited about hearing the news that there will be an xbox version of FF13. I have been a long time fan of the series and when I saw the announcement i got all giddy like a lil school girl :nanner:
when I saw the announcement i got all giddy like a lil school girl :nanner:
this game is taking forever to make. Im glad they are building on the battle system from XII. Just dont do the licenses again! I hated how you could make every character the same type of class. I like having my damage dealer, my healer, my defender and so on.. what do you think legz
I dunno I haven't played FF since the one with the girls. What was that? XI? I loved VII and X wasn't that bad IMO. I always like having one who is strong physical attacks, 2 mages 1 for black magic and one for white. Plus one who was average at all of the above.
The one with the girls broke me of my FF addiction actually, cause it sucked that bad! So I dunno if I'll buy this when it comes out or not. I will rent it for sure and maybe buy it after that.
You mean X-2? (Ten-two, not twelve)
XII wasn't really that bad, haven't finished it yet tho.
X was an amaing game. X-2 was good, but it took me six months to play it, which is strange for a Final Fantasy game for me. Usually I play them nonstop until I beat them. I bought VIII and played it, and gave up cause I didn't understand the system. Then, about a year later, I played it again and fell in love with it. By far the best Final Fantasy.
XIII for 360 is a huge steal for Microsoft. It's not being released in Japan, though, which is a huge mistake. People would actually buy a 360 for this game, especially when the copies for PS3 sell out.
Nobody liked FF8 their first trip thru. .. and by thru I mean only halfway thru because it was wEirD getting used to the enemies that level with you. The equipment and leveling your GF's was the only way to really progress in strength.
Nobody liked FF8 their first trip thru. .. and by thru I mean only halfway thru because it was wEirD getting used to the enemies that level with you. The equipment and leveling your GF's was the only way to really progress in strength.
The enemies leveled with you? Fuck that! Part of the fun, for me at least, is being able to go back to an earlier area and stomp the shit outta enemies that used to give you a hard time, just for kicks!