How do you make yourself shoot your cum further?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Should I stop putting the tissue over my dick when I nut? Or ..?


Yeah... putting something in front of your nutshot sorta stops that whole.. distance.. issue..

But seriously. And I mean seriously.. why would a tissue on the outside of your body affect what happens INSIDE your body?!?? Geez did you think that one through?

If you want to nut further, nut often. Think of it as dick exercise. If you want to nut more.. nut less. Save up one big load every so often. If you want to shoot further, cum HARDER. Watch something that turns you on to the max.. and dont shoot immediately. Hold off for a bit.. like waiting that extra minute and twelve seconds until she cums on the screen.. and then you two can share that blissful moment.

Just dont get attached to her, she's a video file and wont return the sentiment.

put your nuts in here, the more you tighten it the farther you'll shoot
Do the Stop & Go technique, where your about to cum but hold back. Use your index finger to sort of block the vein the cum comes through, you know. Make it almost reach the top of the head and pull it back in...

And don't cum for a few days, either. And when you start to stroke it, do it for a few hours, play with it and finally release it with all energy. I did all this and shot all the way into my hair and some went into my eye. The furthest ever i shot

Okay im going too much into detail but you know what I mean
Stand outside during a heavy wind storm. With the wind at your back cum straight up into wind. Be careful or you'll get a facial.:eyeso:


stand further away from your target

dick van cock

Closed Account
Stand outside during a heavy wind storm. With the wind at your back cum straight up into wind. Be careful or you'll get a facial.:eyeso:
If you want to play it safe, you should ejaculate into an envelope and mail the thing to a place in the South Pacific.


I have always preferred the depository. When I go . . like hell if I want my hand on or around "the member" ! What's the point of the girl ! :dunno:
My best ejacks haven't included my hands . . I'll tell you that !
All of this cumshot "North" crap is just a fad that might of had some lens appeal for a time, IMO. ;)
I hear if you actually pay for your porn, you end up shooting further.
Stand outside during a heavy wind storm. With the wind at your back cum straight up into wind. Be careful or you'll get a facial.:eyeso:

There's three things you just don't do. You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't swoop The Avalanche, and you certainly don't cum into the wind.

And, oh yeah, Charlie don't surf.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I hear if you actually pay for your porn, you end up shooting further.

::thinks:: Well I suppose so, but what about the taboo of wanking to something you shouldnt be seeing? Wanking to stolen goods might be a catalyst for bigger, stronger nut.

Yeah, I just thought of that as it slid outta the ass-thinktank. But it seems plausible.