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  1. SyN1zt3Ru

    Brittany's Bod
  2. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Read above....... There is a post credit ending featuring may have seen the one with Wolverine in Japan
  3. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Agreed, HAS to be done but they can't go too over the top with it! But without it, it won't be a DeadPool movie! :D
  4. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Heres some info on the possible DeadPool movie
  5. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    AWESOME!!!! Can't wait :nanner:
  6. SyN1zt3Ru

    DeadPool = Awesomenessness

    DeadPool = Awesomenessness
  7. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Deadpool has had yellow speech and thought bubbles forever. because apparently he has a raspy voice and the yellow is meant do differentiate between other characters.........apparently
  8. SyN1zt3Ru

    Bryci (

    Wats it like? :confused:
  9. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Yeah the asian dude????? Even tho he's meant to be German and have completly different powers
  10. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Who is reading his current series?
  11. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Just awesome i'm gettin a deadpool Tattoo as soon as possible it's from cable deadpool #4 when he jumps out the window just awesome
  12. SyN1zt3Ru

    Alexa Loren

    I agree she's 100% awesome now
  13. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Yeah what about Hulk with Deadpool I love this issue EDIT: Please note, this is not a picture posting forum. You are not allowed to attach pics unless you start a thread, or it is in ID thread. And in no case a hardcore image. Post a link instead. Do not hot link images to avoid approval of...
  14. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Yeah no shit + we all know HULK would rape Superman (he's a pussy)
  15. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    I love how when Bullseye once asked "Deadpool, how long has it been?" and Wade simply replies "Issue #16, Greece" Now thats breaking the fourth wall! :1orglaugh
  16. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Issue #27 i love that one lol
  17. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Damn Straight! He's awesome I love his Voice in the 90's cartoon just awesome:bowdown:
  18. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Yeah Thats wat I was hoping people wouldn't think! And Yes I'm an awsoem speller lol DeadPool ftw
  19. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Then create a Lobo poll! This is about DeadPool take ya DC Crap elsewhere! No Offense of course [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator pitino] [Read more about the board rules: here]
  20. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Cool! what does everyone else think?
  21. SyN1zt3Ru

    Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

    Come on guys Why is a=our favourite Merc-with-a-Mouth so freakin' awesome?
  22. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Or Origin: Gambit or Colossuss! Oh Yeah
  23. SyN1zt3Ru

    Brittany's Bod

    Hey u got anymore from that set?
  24. SyN1zt3Ru

    Hot Busty girl

    heres another pic
  25. SyN1zt3Ru

    Hot Busty girl

    Hey can anyone tell me who this busty babe is?
  26. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    What happens with Deadpool at the end? I've only seen the one with Logan in Japan
  27. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Yeah I like him a lot lol! And It's taken me nearly 10 years to get em' all coz it's really hard to find any here in Australia hardly anyone knows who he is!
  28. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Thanks heaps yeah i Love Deadpool!!! Own ALL his comics including cameos in New Mutants, Wolverine, X-Men, Cable etc i just Love him lol
  29. SyN1zt3Ru

    Who's this babe

    thanx man awesome! thanx for the real fast response! do u know where it's from by chance?
  30. SyN1zt3Ru

    Who's this babe

    Does anyone know who the chick on the top left of the title is? or what scene or film it's from? thanx in advance
  31. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Oh and by the way! If anyone here knows who Maverick (now known as Agent Zero) is, you will know that he's German. Well not anymore he's now Chinese - American! go figure huh? :confused:
  32. SyN1zt3Ru

    Bryci (

    :hatsoff: Awesome set guys well done
  33. SyN1zt3Ru

    what game are you playing right now?

    YEP still COD 4! and Resident Evil 5 (best resi game ever, so addictive)
  34. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Thanks dude! as per Deadpool film it's been in works for at least 5 years, Wade himself wanted Ryan Renolds to play him
  35. SyN1zt3Ru

    Who is this?!?!

    absolutely just check her Freeones page
  36. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Hence why sabretooth ALWAYS calls him runt! lol I know but I still wanted Deadpool to be way more acurate than he was I too love X-men my sig features Mr. Sinister for gods sake
  37. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    don't get me wrong the movie is awesome, they just stuffed up my all-time favourite character. the way i c it is, coz of the healing factor Deadpool will lose all other powers. and start a fresh for the Deadpool film
  38. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Yeah u will hope so a bout his own film! but the way it ends, they're going to have to explain alot. let me know when you have seen it darkwarrior
  39. SyN1zt3Ru

    X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Hey saw it 2 days ago in Australia, its awesome but for those who love Deadpool (like myself) prepare to be dissapointed :mad:
  40. SyN1zt3Ru

    Lets see if can get this girl identified.

    I think is saw on a stream site type in somthing like college goth or somthin' similar, doesn't say who she is tho sorry
  41. SyN1zt3Ru

    cute girl with short hair who is she?

    Re: HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! help ID Her Oh yeah sorry the password is "4chan" thanx FenixINT999
  42. SyN1zt3Ru

    Bryci (

    Nice work Eltardo! Keep it up........oh and yay for Bryci as well:D
  43. SyN1zt3Ru

    cute girl with short hair who is she?

    Re: HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! help ID Her She goes by the name of MISSROCHE and here is a link to all of her pics http://rs579.r a pi ds h ar *delete spaces* in URL
  44. SyN1zt3Ru

    cute girl with short hair who is she?

    Re: HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! help ID Her Dans nose points upwards if u look in that last pic where as this chicks nose points straight its not Dan, if its her where are these pics in her galleries?
  45. SyN1zt3Ru

    BIg boob latina

    FUCKIN' BUMP:rolleyes:
  46. SyN1zt3Ru

    cute girl with short hair who is she?

    Re: HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! help ID Her then she must also of had a face lift coz their faces aren't the same this chick has a much more ethnic look as she has a pointy'er nose
  47. SyN1zt3Ru

    cute girl with short hair who is she?

    Re: HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! help ID Her BUMP lol
  48. SyN1zt3Ru

    cute girl with short hair who is she?

    Re: HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! help ID Her huh???