Why is DeadPool so Awesoem?

Why is DeadPool so awesome

  • Coz he's freakin' funny

    Votes: 15 53.6%
  • He kicks ass

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • His pulp culture references

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • His Costume

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • Other: Specify

    Votes: 5 17.9%

  • Total voters
I love how when Bullseye once asked "Deadpool, how long has it been?" and Wade simply replies "Issue #16, Greece"

Now thats breaking the fourth wall! :1orglaugh
Deadpool is awesome but he's actually a rip off a Deathstroke from DC comics.

Deadpool: Wade Wilson
Deathstroke: Slade Wilson

Even if hes a copy hes way better and so fucking hilarious.

Deadpool is about as much of a copy of Deathstroke as The Hulk is of Superman.
Yeah what about Hulk with Deadpool
I love this issue

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Yeah what about Hulk with Deadpool
I love this issue

I was thinkin the same thing.
Now I have to go dig that issue up...
Deadpool has a sense of humor, so that's cool.

I also like the fact that he breaks the 4th wall on occasion, and is aware of the fact that he's a comic book character as well. Those are always kinda fun. Over in the DCU, Joker isnt aware of being a comic book character, though he has been shown to have knowledge of stuff that most characters in the DCU are/were unaware of (such as alluding to the newly reinstated multiverse at the start of Countdown).
Deadpool has a sense of humor, so that's cool.

I also like the fact that he breaks the 4th wall on occasion, and is aware of the fact that he's a comic book character as well. Those are always kinda fun. Over in the DCU, Joker isnt aware of being a comic book character, though he has been shown to have knowledge of stuff that most characters in the DCU are/were unaware of (such as alluding to the newly reinstated multiverse at the start of Countdown).

Somewhere I was reading about a fans crazy theory on the Joker and he speculated that the Joker might have some ability to remember previous universes and realities after they have changed and the knowledge makes him even more crazy. :1orglaugh
Somewhere I was reading about a fans crazy theory on the Joker and he speculated that the Joker might have some ability to remember previous universes and realities after they have changed and the knowledge makes him even more crazy. :1orglaugh

Well according to Grant Morrison .... the Joker has a unprecedented form of what they like to call, "Super-Sanity"! Which is basically something like a ultra-sensory perception of everything. Also, he's currently being written as having no true personality. Which would explain his shift in personality thru the years. :D