The outfit:thumbsup:
Because the Legend Rob Liefeld created him. :hatsoff:
There are a lot of comic fans that hate Liefeld.
I think Cable, Deadpool, and Domino are the only characters he ever had a hand in their creation that I have liked.
Liefeld is also one of the biggest ripoff artist the comic world has ever seen. (Which now that I think about it might have something to do with the Deadpool's costume's similarity to Spiderman's costume.)
When I first saw the thread, I said oh great. Someone went out and saw the new Wolverine flick and thought that Ryan Reynolds was "super kewl" as some guy from the comics. But then I saw the avatar, I saw the picture, I saw the tagline and it was awwwwwwsoem. I love Deadpool, he's got personality, he's his own guy, and he needs more mainstream pub. He was great in Hulk vs Wolverine, hilarious. I voted for other because Deadpool is frickin awesoem. Geez got me carried away there.
Mister Sinister doesn't receive enough respect.
Look at Marvel and DC and the similarities in their characters.
Marvel is worse they took the Malibu characters and put them on the shelf instead of making deals with their creators. Which they could do if they cared.
Deadpool has some funny jokes,like when he asked Kitty if she played Street Fighter and then he gave her a 'Shoryuken'.lol