Search results

  1. SyN1zt3Ru

    Gods Girls (GodsGirls)

    These are my knid of girls anyone got anymore:bowdown:
  2. SyN1zt3Ru

    Alexa Loren

    has anyone go or know where o find he set where she's in the shower?
  3. SyN1zt3Ru

    Adahlia / Adahlia Cole / Adahlia Dunham

    Re: Adahlia Anyone got any news on Adahlia lately :confused:
  4. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    no i fuckin win
  5. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Iiiiiimmmmmmmm baaaaaaaaack!!!!!
  6. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    I win again:nanner:
  7. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS! go to sleep
  8. SyN1zt3Ru

    Marta Zawadzka

  9. SyN1zt3Ru

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? My Girlfriend..............then Marta Zawadzka
  10. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Well u start drinking while I keep winning
  11. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Thank You:hatsoff:
  12. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    I am a legend thank you:wave:
  13. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Why thank you:D
  14. SyN1zt3Ru

    I think I'm in love

  15. SyN1zt3Ru

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? My Girlfriend:D
  16. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Hah Bumbug:thefinger
  17. SyN1zt3Ru

    your favorite music artist's list

    Now THAT is a fuckin good List:thumbsup:
  18. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Me Too
  19. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

  20. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    only 12:30 p.m here
  21. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

  22. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    IM BACK..........................again
  23. SyN1zt3Ru

    your favorite music artist's list

    I don't get it!?!?!? Coz I Luv Steve Buscemi
  24. SyN1zt3Ru

    your favorite music artist's list

    Come on Phil is still cool and it wouldn't have been Pantera without him! I admit Dimbag and Vinnie-Paul were the brains behind Pantera Phil still hade a major impact..............Rex on the other hand........well what canya say.:dunno:
  25. SyN1zt3Ru

    your favorite music artist's list

    yeah but the four I mentioned pioneered Thrash in the 80's where as Pantera evolved in the 90's. Yay im seeing half of Pantera tonight whwn i go see Down.:nanner:
  26. SyN1zt3Ru

    Miss Universe Misses Skirt

    whoah!!! man u do realize this happened like over 2 years ago now! im from Australia and it was all over the news LOL
  27. SyN1zt3Ru

    any help?

    Damn fuckin shit!!! shes HOT i'll keep an eye out for ya (but mainly me):D Bump!!!
  28. SyN1zt3Ru

    What are you watching right now?

    Re: What you watching right now! One of my mates play Soul Calibur IV
  29. SyN1zt3Ru

    How do you confirm natural breasts

    :rofl: I swear to Satan BlueBalls everything u say cracks me up
  30. SyN1zt3Ru

    your favorite music artist's list

    tell me about it! where as I really don't like either band at least Slayer pioneered (along with Metallica, Megadeth and Anthrax) Thrash Metal and are major influences to hundreds if not thousands of musicians. I really think i just hate Kery King tho.:thefinger pffft. Green Day:rofl:
  31. SyN1zt3Ru

    Underrated bands

    I'm actually seeing them tonight :nanner::nanner::nanner:
  32. SyN1zt3Ru

    Underrated bands

    BAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:1orglaugh:1orglaugh UR FUNNY nice one man! Sabbath invented metal so it's hard to sum shit band like nickleback to even be considered metal u crack me up!
  33. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    No u don't!
  34. SyN1zt3Ru

    your favorite music artist's list

    Black Sabbath will always be number one!!!! I mean i'd actually turn gay for Tony Iommi!!! But i love most metal! especially classic, Glam and Viking Amon Amarth Ensiferum Turisas Korpilkaani Tyr Led Zeppelin AC/DC Deep Purple Iron Maiden Judas Priest Opeth Pantera W.A.S.P Ratt...
  35. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    I figured that part what DIDN'T get is why u said it who cares I WIN
  36. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    ????????????????????????????????????????? I don't get it! but what i DO get is that now im winning
  37. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Im back!!!!!!!:d
  38. SyN1zt3Ru

    Worst things a girl can tell a guy

    Well im back from a BIG night out with some good ol' Swedish Vodka AND actually fell pretty good.:confused:
  39. SyN1zt3Ru

    Worst things a girl can tell a guy

    well unfortunatley its not that simple and i wish it was! coz then i'd know and it'd be over!
  40. SyN1zt3Ru

    Worst things a girl can tell a guy

    I know but it still fucks me up inside:(
  41. SyN1zt3Ru

    Worst things a girl can tell a guy

    I know wat u mean! I wasn't Having Go at you buddy! just not feeling the greatest at the moment! well i'm just gonna get fucked up on a bottle of Vodka:nanner:
  42. SyN1zt3Ru

    Worst things a girl can tell a guy

    thanx chef, that makes me feel much better.:mad:
  43. SyN1zt3Ru

    Prettiest Face / Most Beautiful Pornstar, Babe or Celeb

    Re: Prettiest Pornstar / Face LOL!!!!!! dats funny!!! hahahaha:rofl::rofl2::rofl2: I still love Adahlia and Kyla Cole
  44. SyN1zt3Ru

    The Member Above Me....

    is embarrassing me!!!:uohs:
  45. SyN1zt3Ru

    Worst things a girl can tell a guy

    I need a break!!! (got that one last night):mad::mad::mad::mad:
  46. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

    DUDE it's only 10 to 3 p.m. in Australia buddy! I got hours to go yet, plus im bored by myself at work! p.s. I win
  47. SyN1zt3Ru

    First pornstar you ever came to?

    Taylor Hayes is Fade to Black
  48. SyN1zt3Ru

    The last person to post here WINS!

  49. SyN1zt3Ru

    The Member Above Me....

    is Fuckin Legendary!!!!
  50. SyN1zt3Ru

    The Member Above Me....

    is seeing me again!!!