Search results

  1. anomaly

    Who is in your avatar?

    Self portrait:)
  2. anomaly

    What are the most influential historical documents ?

    The Book of Mormon. According to the Church of Latter-Day Saints, the book has 14 million people accepting a disprovable "religion" and it's rewriting of history.
  3. anomaly

    Thanks for the rep!:frenchman

    Thanks for the rep!:frenchman
  4. anomaly

    Thanks for the rep!

    Thanks for the rep!
  5. anomaly

    How do you view pornstars that won't do interracial?

    Close it!:facepalm::horse:
  6. anomaly

    A question about women`s powers of perception

    Women have a great social intuition because they have far more social interactions than men. For example, when a women thinks her partner is cheating..I'll bet you they're right 99% of the time.
  7. anomaly

    Movies you want to watch many times

    The Matrix Trilogy Harlem Nights The Shawshank Redemption Fletch 1&2 My Cousin Vinny The Blade Trilogy Money Train
  8. anomaly

    Butt fucking a chick, pulling out....

    You must be having sex with an amateur or a first-timer. Women who enjoying anal sex know how to prepare. If your girl doesn't know how to...teach her!:)
  9. anomaly

    Fitness Babes

  10. anomaly


    Re: Caucasian pornstar. You revived a silly thread from over three years ago..really?
  11. anomaly

    Pornstar pet peeves?

    Taking porn far too seriously is my pet peeve. That goes for the performers but primarily for those of us who just watch it. I find the fact that this industry even exists to be quite hilarious! The only things in porn that should be taken seriously is profit margins and STD testing.
  12. anomaly

    Cop fired for allegedly falsifying dozens of DUI arrests

    A cop did something crooked? Preposterous!!!
  13. anomaly

    Do your balls touch the water when you sit on the toilet?

    If your balls touch the water you have poorly designed toilet or are in need of a doctor....
  14. anomaly

    Former wrestling chick Chyna to release another porn...

    She turned it down. This was around the time the WWF had absorbed NWA/WCW wrestling. Chyna was riding the fame of two Playboy layouts and probably a little cocky at the time. She turned down the WWf contract offer and they wished her well. She had no where to go and thus her descent began. A...
  15. anomaly

    Would You Date or Marry A Porn Star?

    Re: Would you marry a pornstar that still works No man could...except another pornstar. That is why the performers tend to marry in the biz.
  16. anomaly

    Former wrestling chick Chyna to release another porn...

    Turn down a contract with the WWF and you end up in porn...:)
  17. anomaly

    Thanks! I'll hook you up!

    Thanks! I'll hook you up!
  18. anomaly

    My bad! I owe you some rep!:)

    My bad! I owe you some rep!:)
  19. anomaly

    Who is ze most important person in your life?

    For me...some close friends and family...for many guys on here, a pornstar! Especially the ones that they jump to defend if someone makes a vaguely negative about them.:facepalm:
  20. anomaly

    What song relaxes you and... brings calm into your world?

    Sweet Freedom by Micheal McDonald
  21. anomaly

    Breaking News: Kim Kardashian knocked up!

    Guess he got tired of anal:frenchman
  22. anomaly

    Hostess back to the negotiation table!

    I guess America still loves high fructose corn syrup, trans fats and obesity!
  23. anomaly

    Angelina / Angelina Valentine

    ...and suspect!
  24. anomaly

    New Mega Boob Blood

    Tiffany Towers and Wendy Whoppers were actually quite attractive. Their huge breasts just made them sexier.
  25. anomaly

    "Swallow it, I said!!!"

    Maybe get girlfriend who actually wants your load?:) No offense!
  26. anomaly

    Do you answer your cell phone when you're sitting on the can?

    I do it all the time. When I'm finished I put the lid down, flush and run out of the bathroom so the person I'm speaking with can't hear it:)
  27. anomaly

    Thank you friend! May the new year find you well:frenchman

    Thank you friend! May the new year find you well:frenchman
  28. anomaly

    What is your fav 80's Cult Classic?

    They live!
  29. anomaly

    Would you join a dating site?

    If you know how approach the women it can be a great thing! Give it a try guys. Just don't be creepy!
  30. anomaly

    When you were a kid...

    Independently wealthy!! And I will be in about seven years:frenchman
  31. anomaly

    Washington State Weather Sucks Ass

    Maybe move to Florida? I like Seattle weather but it's not for everyone.
  32. anomaly

    The "Whatever Happened To (fill in the blank)" thread.

    Starter jackets and hats?
  33. anomaly

    Greatest Military Strategist?

    George W Bush? Get four or five thousand Americans killed in a phony war, make millions for yourself, the vice-president and all your old defense contractor buddies!! While convincing roughly half of the USA that your efforts made sense.....sounds like good military strategy to me!:facepalm:
  34. anomaly

    Which 2 babes would you choose for a threesome?

    Jada Stevens and Francesca James
  35. anomaly

    Who are the luckiest people working in porn?

    Who ever owns the production company....they make the most money, without the health risks or social stigma....
  36. anomaly

    Twinkies Maker May Close Today

    A few less cases of diabetes won't hurt...
  37. anomaly

    Yes my new friend I'm doing great!! Hope all is well with you:)

    Yes my new friend I'm doing great!! Hope all is well with you:)
  38. anomaly

    My issue with interracial porn

    Close it!
  39. anomaly

    For life! You got it buddy!

    For life! You got it buddy!
  40. anomaly

    Estimate the size of this guys penis?

    A site full of heterosexual dick lovers...:facepalm:
  41. anomaly

    Riley Reid / Paige Riley

    Re: Paige Riley / Riley Reid Finally another person gets it!^^^
  42. anomaly

    Would you accept to be a girl for a while ?

    Just at my gym so I can go in the women's locker room:)