Breaking News: Carmella Bing Arrested, Cited for Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Carmella bing should had fuck them to beat the charges

They were going to let her go until she made that offer. Then they got sick to their stomachs and that's when the cuffs went on.




Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life sweetheart."
Personally I feel sorry for her and I hope she will be okay. She has been getting a bad rap on this board for years even before this. :dunno:
Agreed, I wish the best for her regardless of what she is going through or the happenings in her life. No sense in finding entertainment in others missteps or tragedies. How quick people turn when others fall.

I agree with this. A true fan will support their favorites even when their life has a lot of problems. I'm not going to all of a sudden stop liking Carmella Bing.
i wonder how many of you would feel differently about her if you werent fans of her work. If she was just some mother with a 1 year old son that got caught doing what she did. That poor child.
Bad choices...guess what? Bad choices, plague us all! She made A BAD CHOICE, regardless who she is, what she does, or who she knows. She made a really bad LIFE CHOICE. We all do.
i wonder how many of you would feel differently about her if you werent fans of her work. If she was just some mother with a 1 year old son that got caught doing what she did. That poor child.

I would feel just like I stated above...

Agreed, I wish the best for her regardless of what she is going through or the happenings in her life. No sense in finding entertainment in others missteps or tragedies. How quick people turn when others fall.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It's not funny. But we all must suffer the consequences of our actions. If her house had been hit by a hurricane, then I'd feel sorry for her. But if she decided to go out and joy ride in a stolen car with some lowlife criminals to feed her drug habit (or whatever), then that's on her dumb ass.

I have a heart. But I also have a brain. And my brain is getting tired of every fuckup under the sun making themselves out to be a victim of this or that, or claiming to suffer from some sort of make believe disease when they get caught fucking up. Enough already! She's got a kid. Time for her to put on her big girl pants and take care of her kid. Now that's who I feel sorry for!