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  1. Starman

    Michael Moore

    All this talk doesn't change that the reason they told they would go to war, that there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, was not true. This is just the usual Conservative propaganda. Revision of history. First you give one reason, when it shows to not be true, you try to revise history...
  2. Starman

    Michael Moore

    I'm not sure a strong leader is the same as someone who states other reasons for the war when his first reasons proved to be untrue, and who's too stubborn and pig-headed to admit when he's wrong, but instead would drive straight ahead and off the cliff when everyone states there's a turn in the...
  3. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Of course Kerry has to complain at the current president, how else do you run for president? You complain, and you tell what you want to do yourself. And of course he argued against Bush before Bush argued against him. How could Bush argue against the Democratic presidental candidate before that...
  4. Starman

    Word Association

  5. Starman

    Word Association

    Bush! :D
  6. Starman

    Word Association

    Fire :flame: ("Fire, fire, fire!" - Beavis)
  7. Starman

    Michael Moore

    How do you know? Gore has not been president, so you can't really know that, and neither has Kerry. Did you travel into an alternate dimension where Gore was in the White House, and then into a future timeline where Kerry wins, to find out?
  8. Starman

    Michael Moore

    You Conservatists are repeating the war on terrorism over and over, which reminds me of an old episode of a Swedish comedy series with the title "Lorry". In that there are a TV-reporter that interviews a street gang who has done a lot of vandalism, and to every question the leader of the gang...
  9. Starman

    Word Association

    D.I.S.C.O. :D
  10. Starman

    Word Association

  11. Starman

    Word Association

    Read the Lord of the Rings books, or watch the films... ;) She's a woman that doesn't get the permission to participate in the great battle, so she disguises herself to a man, and fights with the army anyway. ___________________ Lambada ("the forbidden dance" ;))
  12. Starman

    Word Association

    Eowyn (the drug is spelled Heroin, Heroine is the female form of a Hero.)
  13. Starman

    Word Association

    No, but biology lessons has to do with lungs, the distribution of oxygen to the cells of the body, what kind of damages the lungs gets from smoking, which damages the body and the brain gets from drugs and so on... ;) What I think is stupid is mistreating the vessel of your mind and soul. Your...
  14. Starman

    Word Association

    Take some biology lessons. :tongue: *LOL* Crabs
  15. Starman

    Word Association

    Blisters (The guy "Woogie" in There's Something About Mary had a lot of those.)
  16. Starman

    Miss Norway scandal!

    Are you sure you're not confusing it with the Libaneese singer Nelly Maqdasi that is a well-known singer in the Middle East, but is getting it more and more difficult to book concerts, as it came out that she has been in American pornfilms?
  17. Starman

    Miss Norway scandal!

    Some free movies with the Miss Norway-candidate:
  18. Starman

    Word Association

    No, but that doesn't make it any less stupid, the only thing you should draw into your lungs are clean fresh air, it's what they're there for. Replacing the air with smoke doesn't give more oxygen to the cells in your body. Loogie
  19. Starman

    Michael Moore

    Still Georges are going on about Kerry being a liar and a cheater. I posted this earlier, but as it seems like Georges never cared to read the article, or the excerpt of the article I posted, I guess I have to do it again, and now mark the important words in it, to emphasize why I did it...
  20. Starman

    Word Association

    Actually hasch and marijuana can effect your brain and give you a permanent psychosis and other brain damage. If you read medical journals and other info about drugs, you can find it. Dog-breath
  21. Starman

    Michael Moore

    That's ingenious! ;) Ever heard of "get to know your enemy"? The more you know, the easier you can learn how to turn their arguments against them. :rolleyes:
  22. Starman

    Word Association

    Suit (Leisure Suit Larry rules! :nanner: )
  23. Starman

    Word Association

    Sleep (For the really tuff sleep deprivation cases Mr. Sandman calls in his brother, Mr. Boulder. ;) :D)
  24. Starman

    Word Association

  25. Starman

    True Presidential Advertising

    I have a Reagan joke, if that's allowed. Also too big for FreeOnes, so I uploaded this to too. And... Well, you people who really likes Reagan, maybe shouldn't look at this... Well, don't tell me I didn't warn you. ;) Enjoy! :)
  26. Starman

    Word Association

  27. Starman

    Word Association

    Trash Metal (One of my fav. music genres. ;))
  28. Starman

    True Presidential Advertising

    The "Yankee Go Home!" pic were great! :D I have a similar one. It's too big to upload to FreeOnes, so I uploaded it to I call it "Go Home!". Enjoy! ;)
  29. Starman

    Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

    You wrote: "i always hated countries who support and finance terrorism they are also indirectly terrorists because they support terrorism." Lord Raven ironically mentioned that America has supported and financed terrorism. And to that your response was: ":mad: :ak47:maybe you lack of intelligence"
  30. Starman

    Don't be shy guys!!

    *Trying to find of something positive to cheer you up with...* Uh, well, at least you get sex? Some might not even get that... *I hope the being positive about things aproach worked...?*
  31. Starman

    Unusual Presidential Advertising

    Bush Lets Groups Do 'Dirty Work' Here's an excerpt of this article: Kerry's response came as The Washington Post reported that a Vietnam veteran who claims Kerry lied about being under fire during a Mekong Delta engagement that won Kerry a Bronze Star was under constant fire himself during the...
  32. Starman

    Word Association

  33. Starman

    Word Association

    Cuddly (hairy elephants ;))
  34. Starman

    Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

    Uh, Georges, remember our talk about calming down before you make a post? Read his post again slowly, and think...
  35. Starman

    Word Association

    Cockroaches (black-beetles)
  36. Starman

    Unusual Presidential Advertising

    Sure, check only last year, especially when Europe is in an economic depression. Go check the numbers from the end of the second world war and forward, and you might see some better numbers. Compare with other European countries while you're at it. ;) You also have to keep in mind that USA is a...
  37. Starman

    Word Association

  38. Starman

    Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

    Well, just because it's French, doesn't have to mean it's state sponsored. ;) I used France, because it's close to home for Georges, thus maybe making my point more clear. Saudi Arabia sponsor terrorists though. If Iraq did I do not know, but I haven't heard any real claims of that yet...
  39. Starman

    Word Association

  40. Starman

    Don't be shy guys!!

    I'll miss you Hung Lo, you're a cool guy, but where are you going?
  41. Starman

    Word Association

    Anakin Skywalker
  42. Starman

    Unusual Presidential Advertising

    And how do you do that when you don't get enough money to even be able to do that? If you get too little per month, it doesn't matter how much you try to keep a budget. You still won't have enough money in the end of the month to be able to save it. And if you get too little, what's the point of...
  43. Starman

    Unusual Presidential Advertising

    I'll give you who own businesses some simple maths. If you pay enough taxes you get well-educated workers for your companies in return. Do you want your workers to work even harder? Do you want them to help you earn even more money? Make sure that the salaries and taxes you pay is high enough...
  44. Starman

    Unusual Presidential Advertising

    I'm sorry, but I looked at those articles, but I couldn't find in them what you think support your claims about why they are failures and why the talks were unrealistic. Could you please quote from them what you use as a basis for it?
  45. Starman

    Unusual Presidential Advertising

    Bullshit! Sweden has had high taxes for decades and business has been blossoming even more here than in many countries with low taxes. Plus that you have to remember what you pay for with your taxes. If you really care about other people, you'd better open your wallet and share a little of your...
  46. Starman

    Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

    And having other ideas than Bush is wrong? ;) *LOL* :D
  47. Starman

    Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

    I guess I have to further elaborate these examples, then maybe my point comes through even clearer. Now, Georges and you other Bush supporters, imagine that a French terrorist organization attacks USA. USA wants to attack France. As pretense the American president gives the words resolve...
  48. Starman

    Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

    Since when did it become USA's duty to be the World Police? Have you heard of something called the United Nations (UN)? USA didn't wait to get the UN mandate to attack Iraq, thus making the war a violation to international rights. The "proof/evidence" Bush claimed he had was false and weak. Bush...
  49. Starman

    Unusual Presidential Advertising

    Did you miss what happened recently in Iraq? There you got got another proof to that calm diplomatic methods works better than violence. There was a lot of violence and rebellion there, and then Ayatolla Assistani came and talked and there were laid down weapons and signed peace treaties right...
  50. Starman

    Word Association
