Who are you voting/rooting for in this years election

Who are you voting/rooting for?

  • Democrats: John Kerry/John Edwards

    Votes: 64 57.1%
  • Republicans: George W. Bush/Dick Cheney

    Votes: 35 31.3%
  • Reform Party: Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Green Party: David Cobb/Pat LaMarche

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Other third party canidate

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • No one

    Votes: 9 8.0%

  • Total voters
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georges said:
i always hated countries who support andfinance terrorism they are also indirectly terrorists because they support terrorism.

The U.S. supported Afganistan and France supported Iraq!
Brino said:
The U.S. supported Afganistan and France supported Iraq!

chiraq supported iraq he built a nuclear plant for saddam as well as he sold planes and msilles to this country.taht happened in the 70's.america sold weapons to afghanistan for fighting communism but after the war against communism ended those weapons were used against the us.


My point was that you said anybody who supports terrorism is like terrorists themselves! Both the U.S. and France have supported terrorism so are they terrorists!?
Brino said:
My point was that you said anybody who supports terrorism is like terrorists themselves! Both the U.S. and France have supported terrorism so are they terrorists!?

no. i never said that.Countries who support terrorism are country who finance terrorist groups and let terrorits enter in their territory that is not the case of france and usa.france and usa fight against terrorism alongwith their allies.


georges said:
i always hated countries who support andfinance terrorism they are also indirectly terrorists because they support terrorism.

You never said it!? What's this then!? I specifically see the word "support" twice! Twice!
Brino said:
You never said it!? What's this then!? I specifically see the word "support" twice! Twice!

yes you see it but did i name a country? Answer is NO.That is you who tried to put words into my mouth, right? For which reason?For trying to say what i never have said.I should have expected that from you.
In the 80's there was a war against communists.And America sold weapons to Afghanistan for fighting the russia but who could foresee that the country will be a potential danger after the end of communism?none
Chirac sold weapons to Irak but that was in the mid 70's.Thanksfully these weapons were destroyed in the 1st gulf war.But as far as i remember in France in the mid 80's the most aftersaught terrorist was carlos.The frontiers at that time were closed and there was a very strict control of people who came in France.
Dictatorships and poor 1/3 world countries where there is no respect of human rights finance terrorism.
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I didnt put words in your mouth you said that yourself! I even quoted you on it! You broadly sweeped the board when you said that, and there is little difference between the U.S., France, and these other third world countries when it comes to supporting terrorism when you do that!
also i should add it is in those 1/3 world countries and dictattorships that there are extremists terrorists who recruit young people with no force of character and often weakminded and make of them terrorists by brainwashing them with their extreme ideas.People who finance terrorism are often extremists who have money or they are people who have a sympathy for extremists terrorists and their ideas.


georges said:
also i should add it is in those 1/3 world countries and dictattorships that there are extremists terrorists who recruit young people with no force of character and often weakminded and make of them terrorists by brainwashing them with their extreme ideas.People who finance terrorism are often extremists who have money or they are people who have a sympathy for extremists terrorists and their ideas.

Those people are raised that way! I seriously believe everybody is brainwashed from birth! Your a blank slate and you are raised to believe certain things! In america were raised to believe freedom is great and in the middleeast their raised to believe that it's wrong so in essence were both brainwahed!
Brino said:
Those people are raised that way! I seriously believe everybody is brainwashed from birth! Your a blank slate and you are raised to believe certain things! In america were raised to believe freedom is great and in the middleeast their raised to believe that it's wrong so in essence were both brainwahed!

raised that way hmm?in dictatorships you can't and you are not allowed to open your mouth.I think each developped and elrging country has its customs and its habits.What i mean by brainwashed is that the person gets hammered so much with the same talks (which can be dangerous) that after she won't be able to think by herself that often happens in dictatorships or 1/3 world countries where there is no respect of human rights.
Believeing in freedom is a good thing.But you know Brino there are so many factors to take in considerations about how people are raised.It is completely different in each country.And even in each country not all the people have the same way of thinking and doing.
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Thats why the world is the way it is today! People are raised differently and have different expierences in life that influence who they are! We have all been brainwashed in some form or another!
A bush and a dick sound much more appealing than a couple of johns. They are bound to work well together, right? hehe

:2 cents:
tbd said:
A bush and a dick sound much more appealing than a couple of johns. They are bound to work well together, right? hehe

:2 cents:

hahaha:D one of teh best jokes have a beer on me:glugglug:


Sure vote somebody into office just because their names go together! Why didnt I think of that!

BTW Dick is a Dick! ;)
Originally posted by georges
did you read what he say about the us.
he means indirectly that it was a stupid country by his sentence so where is the big deal starman.
You wrote: "i always hated countries who support and finance terrorism they are also indirectly terrorists because they support terrorism."

Lord Raven ironically mentioned that America has supported and financed terrorism.

And to that your response was: ":mad: :ak47:maybe you lack of intelligence"
I know I said I´d stay out of this ridiculous discussion. I know I´ll regret this posting, but what the heck.

In the 80's there was a war against communists.And America sold weapons to Afghanistan for fighting the russia but who could foresee that the country will be a potential danger after the end of communism?none
Chirac sold weapons to Irak but that was in the mid 70's.Thanksfully these weapons were destroyed in the 1st gulf war

So... France sold weapons to Iraq, USA to Afghanistan?

What´s this then? Washington Post going Moore?

also i should add it is in those 1/3 world countries and dictattorships that there are extremists terrorists who recruit young people with no force of character and often weakminded and make of them terrorists by brainwashing them with their extreme ideas

Nope! That´s exactly NOT the case. Take a look at the profiles of the 9/11 pilots. All well educated people, definitely NOT the weak minded sheep. Those guys are the dangerous ones, not the cheering and singing folks in the streets who´re fooling around with their rifles. People still think that Terrorism is a 3rd world phenomenon. This is both, amazingly naive and dangerous. Dangerous because you keep underestimating our enemies and dangerous because monocausalistic solutions like the so called "war against terrorism" gives us a perfect argument to justify whatever the western civilization wants.
Face it: Terror is already part of our society and our so called 1st world. We are not safe because there are US troops in Bagdad.
I've now heard the Conservatives talking about "sweet tree huggers" and how the country would be run over, and over-taken, by terrorists and militant groups, if the Liberals/Democrats ever got in power again.

Do everyone really honestly believe that? If not, please vote "Yes" in the Starman for President thread. And my text there is, as I've stated in the text, and several times in that thread, a hypothetical "What If?" scenario.

It's "What if?" the laws where changed, and I could run for president in at least 14 years from now, would you support me, or the Conservatives?

I've also stated in that text that I do not expect to be able to get all those things through as a president, but also sitting in other positions in the politcal hierarchy during my lifetime, both before and after my precidency.

I've wrote it together, to see if civil liberties, equal rights, education and social welfare is something important.

To see if people connect civil liberties and equal rights with something "evil", as the Conservatives wants to depict it, or if there are people who actually thinks it's something fair and reasonable.
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