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  • If you don't come back soon, I'm going to do something that you that rhymes with...


    ...figure it out.
    Torre....where are u man? Seems like I haven't seen you here in quite a while. Hope all is OK.
    Same old shit....seems to be more lunatics here than normal and that's saying a lot. Good to see you back....we need your voice here.
    Yeah, I'm still jerking off alone to porn on Friday and Saturday nights. It certainly doesn't help that eveyr woman I work with wears shirts where you can see 2/3 of their tits and jeans that are tighter than spandex. I tried the internet, bars, and straight out asking in person to coworkers and classmates (back when I was in school). What does it take to get some butt? The only butt I get is a strip clubs, but I can't lick it or fuck it, and it costs me too much money whenever I go. Hell, everytime i go I end up spending $300.
    Here's what you do...

    The next pretty girl you see is going to get your rubbish in a hubbity. To tame yourself, you need to teach yourself how to handle the urge. So, the next time a pretty girl walks by, find the nearest hairbrush. Take that hairbrush, bristle side down, and rub the fuck out of your penis head. Not the shaft, just the dome. And, don't be a pussy...rub that shit back and forth like you're trying to start a fire.

    Once most of the skin has been sanded off of your shroom tip, find the nearest lemon, cover that bitch in salt and fuck the shit out of it.

    I have no idea how that is supposed to help, but I liked typing it. HE HE HE!!!
    I was introduced to Walker Red label on a plane from Prague to Odessa by a Ukrainian......I introduced him to chewing gum. No lie. I was flying to Ukraine to meet a ended as well as you may think it would. But the Red was delicious....I had always been wary of scotch, but I found out, at 35,000 feet, that it is wonderfully refreshing, and he found out that chewing some peppermint gum soothes the stomach and ears of a weary traveller.
    I hear ya.....the drunken whack off is not always an easy task....I just got home myself, and am planning to drink a few myself and write.....alcohol and tobacco spark my creativity, and tonight I think I will write from Nurse Ratched's perspective on the aftermath of Randal Patrick McMurphy's visit to her floor on the ward. God Speed my friend!
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