Vanilla Bear
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  • Its like that in everything! But they are better than us in soccer.
    You must be too nice if you like both countries :D
    Some people say - I support two teams: New Zealand and anybody playing Australia
    They are historical rivals going back over 100 years, having them win is not an option :hammer:
    Nothing personal :D
    Make sure Germany beats Australia and I might send some over. A girl for each goal :D
    I guess Asian girls get less exposure on these kind of forums. You have to go and look for them instead of getting 'advertised'. No secret sources for me though ;)
    Asian people make up almost 10% of the NZ population, and in Auckland city they are about 25% of the population!
    Quite a lot actually :o
    Also I did Japanese at school for a few years, and took a school trip to Japan 7 years ago.
    So I know what hotties they can be :D
    Yeah, maybe if they did anal :rolleyes:
    Probably not being very famous in the West is a major reason :yesyes: and being harder to find :dunno: (His arms are back on the red background :D)
    You can get a bunch by searching , race queen gif, on google images(Han is on the first page for me), and by web search as well.
    Some forums have threads just for these kind of pics and gifs too.
    I've been learning all their names recently :D
    Still looking for her name -->
    I found out her name too, Han Seo Eun (Korean, not Japanese ;))
    But Japanese girls are great as well :D
    Wish the NZ team good luck, they need it :o
    Football - Green Bay Packers

    Hockey - Montreal Canadian are first then Detroit Red Wings.

    Well I have to go now I should be on a bit Sunday but not to long likely its birthday party day 3 parties one day:eek:

    Have a good day/evening. :lovecoupl
    You'll find the girl! Just be patient.

    I don't know that much about Soccer you'll have to teach me the rules and stuff a day I'm home more.:o

    I have a few more minutes to talk to you.
    If you ever had to live with some of them. You might not like them so much lol

    It is I'll be leaving soon to spend the day at my parents camp site. I'm so looking forward to chopping wood and then burning it.:nanner:

    I miss talking to you too.:lovecoupl
    Yeah and Arjen Robben seems to be okAy and he is arriving in South Africa today. But I guess they will be patient with him, his last full match was almost 4 weeks ago.
    Meh did some baby shopping with my friend. It almost made me want to have another one. lol

    Finally get to sit for the first time today that lasts more than 10 minutes.
    No we didn't but we did get to feed a ton of fish so it was ok.

    I don't know.

    Hope you have had a great day.:lovecoupl
    There was times when I didn't but since kids I can't think of a time I haven't.

    We did then went out for supper.
    Boxers are good easy to come off.

    I sometimes cum. I have yes. While having sex/masturbating no. The anal thing I'm not that big on. I don't hate it or anything its just not not on my favorite list of things to do.

    How about you? lol JK

    Well I have to go time to take the kiddies and puppy to the pond to see if we can find Charlie the snapping turtle they love to feed.

    I'll talk to you later.:lovecoupl
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