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  • I thought it was Anna Magnani? Either way look what happened to the poor bastard; he's dead now ;)
    I'm a funny ass dude, what can I say? If you were to put me and Jeff Foxworthy in the same room, you would have a room full of comedy...and some trailor trash with a mustache, but still.
    Thanx for the rep T, I really respect, believe, and agree with almost everything you say and think!! ttyl, take care, my friend!! :bowdown: :hatsoff:

    Not to worry :)

    I'm sure you'll come out of this smelling like a (fertilized) rose :D
    LoL, I might run that idea by a mod and see what kind of response I get. Wouldnt hurt to ask!

    She's a submissive little minx she is. :D

    Of course there's always a little fight in her ... and she knows Mr. J likes that. ;)
    Oh, Torre. I wouldnt KILL the Batman. He's simply too much fun! I mean ... seriously .... he 'completes' me.

    Now if you will excuse me, it's time for me to rev up my Harley. Vroom! Vroom!
    Of course I won't forget it, you torr... You tourre boat of 82 homosexual min :)dunno:) who like to go around to the coastal towns and stick long and hard meat hammers into the unsuspecting anal cavities of men!

    And we can't leave your father out of it, he's the captain of the boat! Without him, the boat would crash into the beach and all that would be left is the pink, flaming wreckage of a pink, flaming boat!
    :( All I can be is myself... :crying:

    I'm a twat? Well... You're a .... torre.... Torre..nt. ******* of big flabby gay anal sex with a fat guy from Idaho... who's fingers are covered in that orange stuff covering Cheetoes!!!!!!1!!

    And now we're friends? WTF? The internet is confusing!
    Hey man....I'm OK, just been busy as fuck trying to get my house repaired after the storm. I'll be back to my usual obnoxious self here soon. Thanks for the concern!
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