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  • Yeah I just got a list of all Stallone's movies and am watching them, lol. Idk, he's just fun to watch!
    Fair enough. As long as you can still get some of the old gems! Did you have any luck on the Dragoon boss??
    :eek: Sweden?? :eek: COOL!!!!!! :D:D (I hold no love for America, I'm mostly Irish... :dunno:)

    Can't you ebay them??
    What do you mean? Where are you? I just moved to Wisconsin....:crying: At least the beer's cheap? :dunno:

    Sidebar-How do you play these games without opposable thumbs? :dunno:
    Yeah $120 is what stores will pay CASH for it, (well at least in MN and WI, anyway...) That's a confirmed price at 3 different game stores! You think THAT's nuts, you should see how much FF1 and FF2 for original Nintendo go for, woah, lol
    Are you aware that our black label FF7's are worth like $120? Isn't that crazy?! I went to GameCrazy before they died to look for FF7 (even though I already had it...) and they didn't have it in stock, but if they DID, they were selling it for $14.99. I was like OMG CALL ME IF YOU GET ONE, lol
    The black banner was on sale?! Lucky you! I personally hate buying "greatest hits" versions of games... I will if I have to, but I'll spend time looking for the original first. I didn't mean to question your knowledge, I just love how everybody in Kiss gets a chance to sing if they want to. It's very fair and awesome. It brings such different styles to the band, which means they never get boring! :D
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