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  • Dammit. I was actually going to craft that record player in a car idea, until I realized that scratch shit... I don't think there's any way to buffer it enough to absorb bumps. Unless it was suspended in mid air, but that's just silly.
    Wouldn't that be fun? It ACTUALLY wouldn't be TOO hard to make. It's a lot simpler than Stereo decks, but the problem is A-Getting the record to accurately drop onto the tray, and B-Records are huge and car consoles don't go that deep, so it would have to protrude a little bit. But the wiring is WAY easier than today's car stereos. Man, that would be really fun...

    OH. WAIT. If you hit a bump, your record's scratched. Shit. Oh well..........:crying:
    Lol can you imagine sticking a record into a car stereo though, that would be funny. Just imagine the CD slot being way longer... Lol

    Wait. That would actually be possible if the drive fed it onto a record player. It would just have to have good heat shielding around it so the record wouldn't get hot and melt.
    :kiss: Oh my gosh yes. I have about 40 Kiss ones with varying other 80's rock bands. Mainly Kiss, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Def Leppard, Van Halen, and Motley Crue. But there are some others... I'm on the hunt for a record player that still has a needle that works.... I've found plenty of players, but they've all had broken needles (or none at all!) :crying:
    Oh take part of that rep for Queen too. They kick ass and Freddy Mercury had an amazing voice.
    It's really good. It's from Dynasty (Kiss's only Disco album in 1979). I have both the American and Australian versions of that vinyl! I'm glad you like it!
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