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  • Yeah, sadly, I'm still working there. I went back to full time at the start of September. But today, I got great news that a pissy ass cunt customer got banned, per my request, from ever setting foot on our premises again! First customer to ever get banned there :) I'm so happy!
    Haha I know, I've been gone for far too long! My computer is a total asshole. For like a month, it wouldn't let me access FreeOnes. It just wouldn't load. But it's loading now, so all's good and I'm back. But when I'm on FreeOnes, it makes the music I'm playing on either Pandora or Playlist skip. Ggggrrr.
    I'm around, just not posting a bunch. Need new interesting threads to post to. ;) lol
    god knows why we moved here! its cooling off a little at least. 102 in the day, 79 at night. beats 117 and 100 how it was. im counting the days until its fall. shit gets cold which is awesome. i miss good seafood.. im jealous at you!
    Hey buddy. I just PMed you. Yeah sorry I have not been here in a very long time. Hope to be back around for the college football season and host the bowl challenge thread again.
    Yeah it's been super hot here in what feels like forever!! I don't mind the heat but enough is enough!

    I was meant to be going out to an after party last night but the people I was hanging out with didn't wanna go so we ended up staying in which sucked!! And all night my phone was blowing up with people telling me how good it was! :(
    Amazing cottage on the very top of a dune overlooking lake Michigan. It was fantastic. Perfect weather, warm lake, hot tub, unbelievable cottage, good company, lots of good food. It was hard to leave.
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