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  • Pretty much. My bedroom is finally in one piece now which was pretty much the last thing to get done. Feels abit more like home now.
    I'm a shift manager. I didn't get demoted, I just decided it was time for me to start making changes in my life. I got my GED book almost a year ago and haven't picked it up since November or December because I work too much. I haven't been able to model much for the past year because I work full time, sometimes overtime, so there have been a lot of opportunities that I've had to turn down because I was never available. And I want to spend time on me, exercising, artwork, writing, and just relaxing, enjoying life. I do need to pay my expenses, which is why I didn't just quit my job completely. Originally, I was planning on using any winnings from the Miss FO contest for paying bills this summer, but I didn't win anything, so now I'm gonna be just barely making it this summer. I'll manage though. I need to get my GED, or else I'll never be able to fully move on in my life.

    Sorry to hear about your dating problem. I hope things get better for you!
    Aww, what happened?

    Yeah, I work at a pizza place. It's going great the moment as I've changed my availability to only work weekends now, so I have a lot more time to myself, to spend my time on things that are important to me, and am happier.
    Oh no it's right hun. There are no zip codes in Brianaland....all you do is head for the second star to the right and then straight on till wait....
    It's going ok. It's mainly my bedroom that needs finishing now. I wish you could have seen my cam show last night & you would see waht a mess it still is!! My TV is currently on the floor, my dresser is dead & has half collapsed and I'm living out of bin bags! But hey it could be worse! Haha!
    Of course you can come to the house warming, here's my new address.....

    6969 Fuckadildo Avenue
    Apt 69

    It doesn't mean you can't download it though! :D
    You don't like the contest on here much then huh?
    Haha! Thanks babe. You should go download the free vid I shot for all the guys that voted! It's pretty hot!
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