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  • Well in some ways I think its momentary trust. We trust you in that moment but after we aren't sure anymore as trust has to be earned but when talking to you we feel comfy. I could be so wrong but after my dealing with the dude I mentioned before I think that was it. I felt safe because it was online or in text. I actually said I wanted to go visit him at one point to I think. Though I likely would have if I had the chance the moment he got my cell number ment at least for me I actually trusted him at that point.

    Well now that depends you could have the start of trust at that point unless it was like she was coming to stay at your house(then total trust is there). She would have the security of her own hotel room meeting you in a public place and so on to build the trust the rest of the way.
    Your Welcome. It sounds like you freaked her out a bit.:( For future reference just because a girl tels you some really personal, intimate stories doesn't mean we trust you. We can be strange that way. I use to talk to someone that I don't really anymore he knows more about me than anyone on this planet even my hubby. I never met him. It was about letting things out that I couldn't or wouldn't tell the people I was closest too in some ways out of fear. Fear of what I never did figure out though. :(

    I think I do.
    till I find something better for a sig. You no like, then feel free to remove. mr. moderator! :cool:
    It's a good thing that Uinen is his spouse. Ossë is my favourite Maia :D
    Manwë is the high king, but Ulmo is my favourite Vala. I'm such a geek :facepalm:
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