
I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I'd like to think that he sits in his bedroom all day naked, listening to "The End" by the doors, doing tai chi, with a bottle of Jack Daniels, and then he punches a mirror for good measure. Until Harrison Ford shows up to give him a mission, I saw it in a movie once. I believe it was called "The Boat That Went Up River To Kill Don Corleon"
the money to get it.
that is interesting to me.
I know an English teacher who meets, goes out with, hooks ups with a lot, has friendships and romantic relationships with women much more attractive, better bodies and classier almost everyday and he doesn't have to pay for it, then again he doesn't live in California......
I wonder how that is.
Ooh baby it's a wild world.

I'm not saying everyone needs to pay for it. Good for your friend. He's lucky how many males do you know that can do that? I can think of 2 out of the 30 I know that could go out and hook up a lot. It's about the work you want to put in. Mr. Sheen obviously don't want to put in any work.
I don't think it's that he doesn't want to work, but more like after all the work he's put into the show in the last 8 seasons that they ease off him a little bit. :2 cents:

I don't mean the work he does for a living. I mean the work he wants to do to get chicks.


Hiliary 2020
Bunch of fucking whiners in this thread....please....the fucking guy rocks if for no other reason than he is doing what HE wants to do.....consequences be damned. I actually kind of respect that. If you read/listen to his latest crazy ass interviews, the least you can say is he is making no apologies for his actions.

More people need to do that.

While you may stand upon higher moral ground than he, at least he isn't "coming back to God", or "apologizing to his fans", or "rectifying his evil ways", or "so sorry for all the people he has hurt"......fuck all that.....he's Charlie Fucking Sheen.....he's got tons of cash, hook ups, and the balls to party like a rock star and take no prisoners......well, aside from the ones he occasionally locks up in hotel bathrooms.......

Look, all I'm sayin' is if given the chance, I'd trade my boring ass, run of the mill life for his in a FUCKING second, and most of you bitches here in this thread would too if you'd stop pointing fingers and be fucking honest for a second.


Tell me you don't want that.

Fuck it man, I'd leave tonight with no bag packed if given half the chance.

I don't want that.
The money yes however, of course.
for the record I never passed judgement on him for his lifestyle, just said that the women he is seen with aren't that great especially for a big rich tv star.

I'm not saying everyone needs to pay for it. Good for your friend. He's lucky how many males do you know that can do that? I can think of 2 out of the 30 I know that could go out and hook up a lot. It's about the work you want to put in. Mr. Sheen obviously don't want to put in any work.
I know........just, like I said above.
I wish I could have a sex scandal with several pornstars...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What's kind of funny (to me) about Sheen is that he makes a mint by just playing himself on a TV show. In fact, Charlie "Waffles" Harper might be slightly more together than the real thing. That's kind of screwed up when the writers have to dial you down a bit in order to get your character on TV. :facepalm: Usually it's the other way around.


It's good to be the king...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Nonsense. Charlie Sheen will be fine. He always has, he always will. Somebody is always going to want Charlie Sheen to play some role.

I think that's what he's counting on. But I think he may be running out of luck... and time. Coke, booze and hookers don't seem to be agreeing with Charlie's (once) pretty boy looks. And it's not like he's ever been considered one of the great actors of our time. The last role where he got decent critical acclaim was Platoon - and that was 25 years ago. The Billy the Kid movie he did with his brother was popular, but Charlie's claim to fame the past decade or so has been based on his run-ins with call-girl rings, porn stars, coke binges, booze and time in rehab.

If he isn't able to kiss & make up with the Two and a Half Men producers/CBS, and they kill that show for good, Charlie will probably have to wait around for Quentin Tarantino to make another movie where he drags up old, forgotten "blast from the past" movie stars that faded away. He'd already been relegated to B movies before this meltdown. I don't see any A movie producers taking him on once he's burned his bridges with THM.

I always liked the guy (fucked up as he obviously is). And I've been watching Two and a Half Men reruns for the past few months. He's funny and it's a funny show. But if he doesn't get his act together (really soon), and get away from the booze, coke and female parasites, he's probably going to wind up cold & stiff sooner than later.
Tom Brady wins Super Bowls and fucks super models. People hate him.
Justin Beiber makes millions and gets panties wet at 16 y/o. People hate him.
Sidney Crosby becomes the best player in the league at 19 y/o. People hate him.
Lebron James was on Sports Illustrated when he was 7 months old. People hate him.
Charlie Sheen makes millions of dollars, parties hard and fucks porn stars. People hate him.

Charlie Sheen is the man. If you think otherwise, you're either jealous, or meesterperfect, because women are more beautiful where he is from.

Who gives a fuck if people lost their job because of him? They'll find work and probably made good dough while working with him.

Who gives a fuck if he goes on a 3 day coke/drinking binge? It's his life.

Who gives a fuck if he fucks pornstars like a boss? It's not a bad thing. We need more people like this guy. Not Tiger Woods. "Waaahhh I'm a sex addict. Waaahhhh I'm so sorry. Waaaahhh." Give me a fucking break. Charlie Sheen fucks pornstars, snorts coke, pounds whiskey, get people fired and he doesn't apologize for shit. He's the man.
Tom Brady wins Super Bowls and fucks super models. People hate him.
Justin Beiber makes millions and gets panties wet at 16 y/o. People hate him.
Sidney Crosby becomes the best player in the league at 19 y/o. People hate him.
Lebron James was on Sports Illustrated when he was 7 months old. People hate him.
Charlie Sheen makes millions of dollars, parties hard and fucks porn stars. People hate him.

Charlie Sheen is the man. If you think otherwise, you're either jealous, or meesterperfect, because women are more beautiful where he is from.

Who gives a fuck if people lost their job because of him? They'll find work and probably made good dough while working with him.

Who gives a fuck if he goes on a 3 day coke/drinking binge? It's his life.

Who gives a fuck if he fucks pornstars like a boss? It's not a bad thing. We need more people like this guy. Not Tiger Woods. "Waaahhh I'm a sex addict. Waaahhhh I'm so sorry. Waaaahhh." Give me a fucking break. Charlie Sheen fucks pornstars, snorts coke, pounds whiskey, get people fired and he doesn't apologize for shit. He's the man.



Lord Dipstick
Tom Brady wins Super Bowls and fucks super models. People hate him.
Justin Beiber makes millions and gets panties wet at 16 y/o. People hate him.
Sidney Crosby becomes the best player in the league at 19 y/o. People hate him.
Lebron James was on Sports Illustrated when he was 7 months old. People hate him.
Charlie Sheen makes millions of dollars, parties hard and fucks porn stars. People hate him.

Charlie Sheen is the man. If you think otherwise, you're either jealous, or meesterperfect, because women are more beautiful where he is from.

Who gives a fuck if people lost their job because of him? They'll find work and probably made good dough while working with him.

Who gives a fuck if he goes on a 3 day coke/drinking binge? It's his life.

Who gives a fuck if he fucks pornstars like a boss? It's not a bad thing. We need more people like this guy. Not Tiger Woods. "Waaahhh I'm a sex addict. Waaahhhh I'm so sorry. Waaaahhh." Give me a fucking break. Charlie Sheen fucks pornstars, snorts coke, pounds whiskey, get people fired and he doesn't apologize for shit. He's the man.
Preach it, Ma Dood!:yesyes:
Who the fuck are WE to pass judgement upon that? Those without sin.......


Most people don't have the money or power to interfere with and damage as many lives as Charlie Sheen has. And many wouldn't if they did.

So passing judgment on him is acceptable.


Lord Dipstick
I'm pulling for Charlie and I'm REALLY "pulling" for Bree mean? ;) :facepalm: