Bunch of fucking whiners in this thread....please....the fucking guy rocks if for no other reason than he is doing what HE wants to do.....consequences be damned. I actually kind of respect that. If you read/listen to his latest crazy ass interviews, the least you can say is he is making no apologies for his actions.
More people need to do that.
While you may stand upon higher moral ground than he, at least he isn't "coming back to God", or "apologizing to his fans", or "rectifying his evil ways", or "so sorry for all the people he has hurt"......fuck all that.....he's Charlie Fucking Sheen.....he's got tons of cash, hook ups, and the balls to party like a rock star and take no prisoners......well, aside from the ones he occasionally locks up in hotel bathrooms.......
Look, all I'm sayin' is if given the chance, I'd trade my boring ass, run of the mill life for his in a FUCKING second, and most of you bitches here in this thread would too if you'd stop pointing fingers and be fucking honest for a second.
Tell me you don't want that.
Fuck it man, I'd leave tonight with no bag packed if given half the chance.