yurizan i don't know why you take this stuff personally lets face it we are just lonely horny guys that are pissed because these guys get to fuck you and all we get to do is jerk and watch so we invent things to bitch about because we all know that if you showed up on our doorsteps and say hey you wanna go in the bedroom we would leap at the chance going hardcore is your choice implants no implants your choice were still gonna watch and develop carpal tunnel syndrome in the meantime
She needs money like the rest of us that's why she is doing hardcore. A lot of porn actress start doing interracial (Doing interracial will get them more fans for their website!)when they want more money and work. Some of the famous porn actresses damand double the amout to do interracial so you there's good money. Tera Patrick, is damanding a lot of money for her 1st interracial and sadly enough nobody has the money or risk her amount for this. Let's see what the future hold for our Yurizan!
You want me to set you all straight...
new boy / girl hardcore scene :nanner: