There we have another example of how a someone has a particular sentiment but because of ignorance says something stupid and bigoted.
I doubt she hates Muslims and likely is ignorant enough to confuse all Muslims with being terrorists or Al Quaeda.
I believe I understand what she meant, she just said it wrong.
Ashley Blue? Never heard of her before either. Another dime-a-dozen girl? I don't know, but I think she was pretty clear about her feelings with:
"I hate Muslims. Fuck no! I fucking hate Muslims! I do." Dayuuum! Sweetheart seems to have a complex of some sort, eh? :rofl:
I realize the guy asked her about Al Qaeda, and then she went off about Muslims. But it would be the same as if someone asked her about radical Zionists and she said, "I hate Jews. Fuck no! I fucking hate Jews! I do." I'd take that to mean she's not a real big fan of "the chosen people", Zionists or not... whether she has any rational basis or not.
All that to say, are we really looking at and listening to people who have the mental or intellectual capacity to offer deep thoughts on matters of race, religion, politics... or anything else, for that matter? You have to consider the source, right?
Interesting that there are lots of people who read this site and apparently are kind of "undercover of the night"

So, since I got an email from someone who has an amateur site, and who I've known a
long time before I came to this board, I am
not suggesting (and did not suggest!) that all porn stars, nude models or whatever are ignorant or dumb. Did not say that! Are some of them? Well, I present exhibits A, B and C... so

And yet, some of them (like this girl I know) are
extremely bright. I wouldn't stay in touch with someone for years just because I thought they had a nice rack, if they were dumb as a hammer and had the personality of a rock. But it's the same with the general population - I'm not singling any profession out. I know some (really) dumb/ignorant bankers, cops, firemen, lawyers, etc. I'll reread my previous posts, but I don't recall putting that out there. Sorry if there was any misunderstanding. But at the same time, guys get sucked into the allure of a girl who does what she does on screen, they like it, and then they somehow (some way) come to the conclusion that this person is qualified to speak about a subject that may (or may not) be
WAAAAAY above her pay grade. Taylor Rain, Vanessa Blue and Hyapatia Lee all have a right to say and believe anything they want. But just because they are/were in porn, or they are/were good hump bunnies, they don't get a pass. Say it... own it. That's all.
And I still say that a person should have better sense than to give any sort of interview if they're drunk or stoned. But still,
say it... own it. And the more I learn about Taylor... yeah, once someone goes tinkle/tinkle on you, maybe your fanbase does have a high percentage of...uh, "marginal" type people. She might be right about that. Might also be a case of "takes one to know one".
JM:2 cents: