You're Drinking the Wrong Kind of Milk


We've got chickens for eggs, and have thought of adding a goat for milk. Currently we're drinking raw milk from a friends' farm down the street. We grow most of our own vegetables and fruit.

I love being self sufficient.


I live up north, so I would have to get a green house to grow stuff in the winter.
Ideally at least 30 feet by 100 feet, big enough to grow all my own food, and have a nice size lawn to roll around naked at night. :D

Unfortunately, the only things growing in my apartment are unwanted bacteria and probably some viruses.
If we could live off bacteria and viruses, we would have enough to feed 50 billion people.
All that needs to be done is to create a GMO bacteria that feeds on any organic garbage and has all the nutrients we need. Shouldn't be too difficult to create.
I'm north, too. We just eat seasonally. Stuff that stores well is what we're eating now. No greenhouse needed if there's planning and cold storage space.


What do you grow that stores well???

A 20ft x 40ft green house only costs 30 grand, and is easy to put together yourself. Maybe they sell them at Ikea.
And you can have at least 2 crop growths in the winter time. It will pay for itself in 10 years, or more.
Plus you can keep the chickens and goats in there during the winter. :cool:
I have a small, home made greenhouse, used just to start my seedlings in the spring.

Potatoes, turnips, beets, brussel sprouts, and cabbage all keep well.

In addition, I can beans, tomatoes, pears (pickled pears, so good), and various other things.

And I freeze a lot of the fruit I grow, and the herbs, too. Use an icecube tray, fill the cups with whatever herbs you like, add a little water, and then you can take them out and put them in ziplocks in the freezer once they are frozen. Happy serving size herbs grown in your own yard all year around.