But it's all Barry's fault, right? You want to fix the economy? Raise fucking taxes.
Raise fucking taxes.
Raising taxes even as much as +90% has proven to be ineffective at increasing revenue.
You see our current GDP is near something like 23-25%. It should be 18% minimum. At the current rate there aren't enough taxes in this freakin' country to cover our current GDP. But hey the Barry and his Harv Tards say otherwise.
A Maoist.
What's worse than a tax-and-spend liberal? A tax-cut-borrow-and-spend "conservative". Are you voting for Romney?
Or you could do something useful and vote for somebody else.I'm going to wait till October to either vote for Romney or sit this election out. 2 presidential elections without a decent republican candidate. Face it folks, unless John Kennedy or Abe Lincoln rise from their graves, it's going to be 4 more years.
Jacking up taxes will only trickle down to all of us. Businesses will only pass along the costs. Business will reduce expansion. Growth slows down. Jobs don't open up. The only benefactor is government. I don't trust them with my money to make good decisions. Look at what happened when the government got into the lending business.
If the government wants to have a clean energy build up, give the companies tax breaks for these efforts.