Your thoughts on Micheal Moore's "Sicko"?


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Re: Your thoughts on Michael Moore's "Sicko"?

Is it Mike's purpose to enlighten and educate the masses, or is it merely to draw those very same masses (i.e., the "audience") to the box office, and yes, even to the DVD retailer?

I believe I know the answer. And you should too.

By the way, I will not be viewing his "product" via any format.
I've not seen it, but I do know the premise of it and it does raise a lot of very good and valid questions about the American healthcare system.


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Re: Your thoughts on Michael Moore's "Sicko"?

I've not seen it, but I do know the premise of it and it does raise a lot of very good and valid questions about the American healthcare system.

Maybe so, but he also raises a goodly amount of revenue to assure the continuation of service from his own health care provider.

Also, doesn't look like he's missed too many meals in his lifetime, and there is an unfortunate mass (who may actually be interested in seeing his films) who cannot say the same.
Re: Your thoughts on Michael Moore's "Sicko"?

Maybe so, but he also raises a goodly amount of revenue to assure the continuation of service from his own health care provider.

Also, doesn't look like he's missed too many meals in his lifetime, and there is an unfortunate mass (who may actually be interested in seeing his films) who cannot say the same.

So if he was poor and skinny you would go see it then I guess.
I've only seen "Roger and Me" before. It bored the shit out of me, but that was 15 years ago, I think. Perhaps I've matured enough to "stay awake" for it. Maybe I should re-rent that one.

I saw "Sicko" and loved it. I was not expecting it to be so damn funny...and sad. I do have some "issues" with it, mainly with what happened during the "Paris" scenes and about those Americans he "interviewed."

He lays out a solid case for Universal Healthcare for all. The thing that I became aware, from watching the film, is that the Western countries that have Universal Health--Canada/England/France--have a functioning Middle Class. We do not. It's basically that simple.

I think we will be getting a system similar to the British system. Our present system is woefully expensive and Corporate America does not want the burdan of "dealing with" Healthcare anymore. I read the Wall St Journal. Big Auto, Big Airlines, Big Industry all want the burden shifted to the Govt. I think Corporate America wants the Gov't to provide basic care and Corp America will then provide "special care", covering some things that basic care will not, as a benefit for employment.

I will be voting for whichever Democrat promises to bring some form of Universal Healthcare immediately, upon election.
Haven't seen it but I'm sure it's as grossly inaccurate and misdirecting as all of the other trash he's put out.

And health care has yet to be an issue for me so it doesn't concern me either way. I personally don't believe it should be a "universal right" or people. I for one don't like the idea of my money paying for someone else. Earn or die. Callous, but hey, sorry, where is the line drawn... I have enough stuff to pay for without putting other people's burdens on my shoulders.
Haven't seen it but I'm sure it's as grossly inaccurate and misdirecting as all of the other trash he's put out.

And health care has yet to be an issue for me so it doesn't concern me either way. I personally don't believe it should be a "universal right" or people. I for one don't like the idea of my money paying for someone else. Earn or die. Callous, but hey, sorry, where is the line drawn... I have enough stuff to pay for without putting other people's burdens on my shoulders.

Health care is an issue for you whether you realize it or not.You are paying now for anyone who does not have insurance if you are part of any health plan.They show up at the hospital get care and everybody pays.But the part of the Health care debate that you should really worry about is the fact that the current system is a major drain on our economy.Other countries not only have systems that cover everyone,but they spend a lot less money overall too.Don't support reform cause your heart says so,support it because it will be better for the country being competetive and not supporting some crazy system run by insurance companies.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I haven't seen it but I undoubtedly will. Anyone who does not support serious health care reform in the USA is totally out of touch with reality.
I invite one and all to read my thread : Sad State of Healthcare Staffing

Ladies and gentlemen,

Health care as we know it in the United States is shot.
And believe me - "insurance" is just one part of a myriad problem.

Moore does a good job exposing some (there is a reason I used ALL of those emphases folks) of the arrogant, immoral practices of some insurance companies.

But he conveniently ignores the millions of insurance subscribers who get treated on a regular basis.

And he also ignores the millions without insurance who STILL get treatment (barring a few unethical examples) in our hospitals.

Moore compares the worst in America with the best around the world. hardly a fair standard.

BUT, my biggest beef with the documentary is that he chose the populist route and focused just on insurance malpractice and fraud. Besides some of the outright BS that he states (the guy who got his fingers sawed off and had to choose between one finger or the other).

Health care in the US is more than mere "availability" (or lack thereoff) of "insurance coverage". The problem is far more deep rooted and far more wide spread.

And it is a problem that will need far more than 'rhetoric' to solve - a theme that unfortunately, Moore's 'film' does little to solve.

Roy (practicing health care professional for over 25+ years).
I've seen most of his films and he has a bias, but I think his points are mostly valid.

Roger and Me
focused on the layoffs of GM workers in his hometown, while the CEO of GM gave himself a fat raise for saving the company money. maybe you do or don't like him, I can understand that: no political partisan always tells the truth and there are always multiple sides to any story; however, like him or not, he does raise valid questions that we should be asking ourselves. maybe you do or don't like him, I can understand that: no political partisan always tells the truth and there are always multiple sides to any story; however, like him or not, he does raise valid questions that we should be asking ourselves.

Not only are they valid questions,but just coming in and saying I won't watch it or he is a liar adds nothing to the debate.Stop attacking the messanger and focus on the message please.The debate is about health care system in America,if you would like to defend the current system please do that and then we can have an intelligent debate.:2 cents:
The problem is far more deep rooted and far more wide spread.

Agreed. So what are your thoughts on how we should address this, RN? I'd like to hear some input from a professional voice of experience.


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
Re: Your thoughts on Michael Moore's "Sicko"?

So if he was poor and skinny you would go see it then I guess.

If that were true, then would you actually believe that he would have the means to produce any type of film?

Contrarious reply, I deem yours to be.
