I just thought I'm glad I live in Holland. The healthcare system here got reformed about two years back and it works not perfect, but what I've seen from Sicko way better than the American system.
It's quite simple: in the Netherlands you have to duty to insure yourself. If your income is below a certain limit the governement will pay a fair amount for you if. You gotta apply to get that money at the Dutch ERS. This instance can -off course- check if your income is that low you indeed have the right on government aid.
People that earn enough have to insure themselves at one of the many -commercially operated- companies. These companies can't refuse people and have to compete and even challenges hospitals to give cheap careand have short waiting lists. If not, they buy healtcare abroad (mostly Germany and Belgium).
It's not only way more effective than the American way, from what I've seen it costs -relatively- way less tax payers money than in the US.