Your Most OVER-RATED Artist or Band?

I'll start you off :) 'Chris Martin and Coldplay' can't stand the constant whining vocals and crap lyrics!
Britney...Taylor Swift...

I'll start you off :) 'Chris Martin and Coldplay' can't stand the constant whining vocals and crap lyrics!

I like all of them. I think they're pretty good. But ummm...let's see the most overrated artist...I'll have to say 50 Cent and Eminem.
Can't stand U2. It seems like their only good songs are the ones they release as singles sometimes. Everything else on their album sucks but yet everybody bows to their every command.
Black Sabbath [feat: Ozzy] - Imposters to the Metal crown. Ozzy is nothing more than a wailing zombie junkie. He sounds like a cat caught in a barbwire fence. He can't hold a note to save himself. Hailed as the creators of Metal by all truly stupid people. If you know your music, like you think you do. Then you will know who the TRUE Metal pioneers are. And NO this isn't open for discussion with me.

Metallica - I have a dislike for country music.

Lamb of God - An over-rated shout fest of songs, nothing more.

Rammstein - Herzeleid is THE ONLY decent release from this bands arsenal. The rest is MTV appealing crap.


what the fuck you lookin at?
All the so called "popular" or "pop" shit!


Postal Paranoiac
Rod Stewart
ANY death metal band
ANY death metal band

Just because you don't like it doesn't make it overrated. Sure, bands like Behemoth or Cannibal Corpse are, but alot of them are far from over-rated.

As for me:

Popular - Kanye West
Gabber - Angerfist
Underground - Atmosphere
metallica, coldplay, lilwayne, falloutboy, the list goes on...

i hate mtv and all the shit that they're spewing out
Cold Play ,Metallica, and Fallout boy were already mentioned, but pretty much anything that is popularized by guitar hero, or rock band shit.

Emo/hardcore is a genre that is very overrated, as with rap.

not to mention those old school acts like led zeppelin, beatles, rolling stones and that sort.