Your Most OVER-RATED Artist or Band?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Metallica. (ugh.)
Creed.(just no.0
Disturbed.(Get down with your own sickness.)
Rob Thomas.(Emo lyrics.. every single song. Always whining.)
Anyone off these Idol type shows. Daughtry, Clay Aiken, etc.
The Doors. (Dropping acid does not make you an artist.)
Elton John (Used to make music. Then.. sang a song or two for disney, dedicated a song to princess Di.. and doesnt do much of anything. But they play his shit all the time.)
Eric Clapton (What happened? I respect the bluesy work.. but they only play his pop crap. Change the world? No. Do I really want to hear the radio version of layla one more goddamn time?!? NOOO! For fuck's sake.. play something with SOUL! Not a rip on Clapton. A rip on what is played)


Closed Account
All the so called "popular" or "pop" shit!

itunes list of the most popular music is the worst list ever, there must be a lot of tone death people that use itunes

the most overrated bands in my opinion are:

fall out boy
beach boys
rolling stones
flo rida

thats all i can think of at the moment


persona non grata
Led Zeppelin
If you know your music, like you think you do. Then you will know who the TRUE Metal pioneers are. And NO this isn't open for discussion with me.

well that kind of sucks, it sounds like a good discussion. I'd say that a lot of heavy metal music inspiration came from led zepplin, but if you really want to get down to it, it could be the Beatles.

people say that they (beatles) are overrated, and maybe they are, but they really did pioneer a lot of music techniques and pretty much every rock band after them followed in their footsteps.

hate to say it, but Pink Floyd is disastrously overrated.
Black Sabbath [feat: Ozzy] - Imposters to the Metal crown. Ozzy is nothing more than a wailing zombie junkie. He sounds like a cat caught in a barbwire fence. He can't hold a note to save himself. Hailed as the creators of Metal by all truly stupid people. If you know your music, like you think you do. Then you will know who the TRUE Metal pioneers are. And NO this isn't open for discussion with me.

Metallica - I have a dislike for country music.

Lamb of God - An over-rated shout fest of songs, nothing more.

Rammstein - Herzeleid is THE ONLY decent release from this bands arsenal. The rest is MTV appealing crap.

How can u possibly say that
Tony Iommi invented Metal by himself Ozzy was just lucky to b in the same band.

who the fuck do u think it was?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Rammstein - Herzeleid is THE ONLY decent release from this bands arsenal. The rest is MTV appealing crap.

Rammstein is MTV-appealing? :dunno: That's a new one; I thought it was Nazi-appealing...

I cannot stand AC/DC. Their music lacks in talent and variety. There is no difference between For Those About to Rock and Rock and Roll Train to me. The only good songs they have ever done was Hell's Bells and I've Got Big Balls.


Springsteen :pukey:

I simply just don't see it (the talent)

How can u possibly say that
Tony Iommi invented Metal by himself Ozzy was just lucky to b in the same band.

who the fuck do u think it was?

Ozzy was lucky enough to live in the same neighborhood as Iommi.
Iommi used to kick Ozzy's ass all of the time when the two were growing up. It was nothing majorly serious . . . teenage kids' stuff, ya know.

From my perspective, Ozzy is talented at what he does and he freely admits that his wife puts on the production and that he's just the monkey atop the piano collecting the money. Ozzy is a human as the come ! He'll always say at the end of the day - "It's just fuckin show business.


God yes! How could I forget him, awful middle of the road rock for middle-aged estate agents & accountants trying to relive their rebellious youth!

:sing: "hey little girl is your daddy home . . . . ,mmmmmmm . . . mmmm

Oooooooooooooh my cock's on fia'' !:sleep: :D

He could have just as easily called his group -

"B.S. and the Ad Nauseam Band"

I'm kiddin', not ! :p
Pretty much everyone in mainstream U.S.A. music. Especially in the rap, hiphop, punk, and rock genres.

Kanye West, 49 Cent, M&M, SOULDER BOI (DUUUR HUURR), etc.
I believe that he was making a pun.