Your first XXX magazine ever purchased.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Though I was already into Playboy and Penthouse... the first one I bought at the cigar store was one of Al Goldstein's Screw magazine editions.

The first group of magazines that came wrappped in celophane - they came in threes or fours depending on the store. These were also covered up:

1. Club International - Seka was on the cover.
2. D-Cup - Tiffany Towers was on the cover.
3. Cheri - Debee Ashby was on the cover.
4. Juggs - Pauline was on the cover.


Closed Account
I brought both of these at the same time:
D-Cup - I remember it had Samantha Strong as the feature
Player Magazine - It had Ebony Ayes & Angel Kelly


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
High Society's issue when Melinda Mack who was the Rich Bitch of the year lezzed out with Julia Parton.
I think it was Penthouse or Hustler I can't remember but it had Titty's in it :D


knows petras secret: she farted.
first one i saw was a playboy with stupid jenny mccarthy in it.

first one i actually enjoyed, my friend hid em at my house away from him mom. old 70s cheri mags.

first one i bought intentionally, hustler. on my honeymoon. my girls idea. ;)


My Penis Is Dancing!
Good grief, I actually know, understand (and still have, stacked in my bedroom) some of the old, obscure titles told here.

I had a friend of mine sell me a bunch of torn-out pages from an early 1980s issue of Hustler, mainly the Beaver Hunt sections. I spent hours pouring over those 10 or so pictures (you can imagine what I was pouring over, but that is another topic). My addiction was complete.


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
From the local cigar store in 1968, Gent. I was underage at the time but the owner had an "understanding" with the teenagers. You had to wait until the store was empty. Then quickly point to the display rack for the title you wanted. He would produce it literally from under the counter, already wrapped in a brown paper bag. You also had to buy another item of some kind to seal the deal.

The owner was in his 60's at the time. What a great old gent he was. I went to his funeral about 10 years later. Their must have been 500 people there.

It was rumored that he had bootleg 8mm porn movies in the back room but no way could a 16 year old get his hands on those.

My 1st "legal" was Playboy with Barbi Benton on the cover. 1970.

Great Thread :D
I think it was Private - #83

About 2 years ago at the age of twenty FUCKING two.......

Yup! I downloaded it... and jacked my crazy balls off to it multiple times!