Alyssa Rose
Official Checked Star Member
So.. ahem.. this might be probably the most lame thread everrrrrrr but how do you like your eggs? I got up this morning (like most mornings) at 5 to make my hubby breakfast and while I was making him eggs I decided I hate cooking them, at least how he eats his. I have always made scrambled and sunny side up eggs but he eats them where I break the yoke then flip em over, but I HATE cookin them this way because I always seem to burn them.. ugh and I freakin burnt my wrist cookin em this morning.. anyways whats your type?
# Scrambled: Well all scrambled up..
# Sunny-side up: cooked on one side only; the top part, containing the yellow, usually stays slightly liquid.
# Basted: basically a sunny-side up in which oil is poured over the top rather than at the bottom of the pan.
# Steam-basted: a variation of basted in which water is added to produce steam.
# Over-easy: cooked on one side and then turned over for only a few seconds.
# Over-hard: cooked on one side and then turned over until both sides are evenly cooked
# Scrambled: Well all scrambled up..
# Sunny-side up: cooked on one side only; the top part, containing the yellow, usually stays slightly liquid.
# Basted: basically a sunny-side up in which oil is poured over the top rather than at the bottom of the pan.
# Steam-basted: a variation of basted in which water is added to produce steam.
# Over-easy: cooked on one side and then turned over for only a few seconds.
# Over-hard: cooked on one side and then turned over until both sides are evenly cooked