Dirk, may I say that your fingernails are indeed cut exquisitely close to your fingertips.
I knew that you were a true Metrosexual.
You Might do better if you quit trying to troll and flame. I can appreciate a woman with a "box" you describe as your preference. Hey, that's great and looks awesome, but I'm not disappointed by any woman's vagina. It would take a real tool to even have a pussy preference. And I'm certainly not the only one posting in this thread that thinks you're a fucking gasbag for trash talking something that's out of a person's control.
Okay, one more metaphor...
A flat broke, starving homeless man would probably be happy with what ever type of home he could get...he just wants a home!
An old, fat, gross, hairy, balding, short man with rotting teeth would be happy with what ever type of pussy he could get...he just wants some pussy!
(sorry if I described you xfire)
Preferences; It all comes down to options and whether or not you have any.
I suppose we shouldn't prefer brunettes, big tits or chicks under 150lbs either right?
Do you get it yet?
You apparently don't get it. Your "ideal" pussy could belong to the hottest woman on the planet, yet you would somehow be disappointed if you could see her labia minora. You're both a fag, and a troll. You should do us all a favor and walk into a Freightliner.
You've called me that a few times now...enlighten me...is that cool guy, message board insider verbiage?
Dammit. Why do they get a free membership to your sex life, and I'm only ever allowed to clean up?
papagmp is a hot dood and probably leads the life everyone in this thread would love to lead.
I can haz membership, too now? :shy:
Okay, one more metaphor...
Do you get it yet?
No one is blaming you for having a preference. We all have preferences. Its the way you talk about the girls who have vageens you're not attracted to. You might not have respect for a vagina you deem unattractive, but the women attached to the vagina deserve a bit of respect. I bet over half the OCSM's have some cooter lip on here and for you to talk down about their appearance in front of them... (ok, in front of only a couple since we all know most OCSM's don't come around til Miss FO time :lol ) is just fucking arrogant and RUDE. And even moreso because you're refusing to put up your own photo for us to judge your appearance. Bullying at its finest.
Bottom line- have your preferences and feel free to voice them. But refrain from being a douche. Its not that hard.
I'm 28
No one is blaming you for having a preference. We all have preferences. Its the way you talk about the girls who have vageens you're not attracted to. You Might not have respect for a vagina you deem unattractive, but the women attached to the vagina deserve a bit of respect. I bet over half the OCSM's have some cooter lip on here and for you to talk down about their appearance in front of them... (ok, in front of only a couple since we all know most OCSM's don't come around til Miss FO time :lol ) is just fucking arrogant and RUDE. And even moreso because you're refusing to put up your own photo for us to judge your appearance. Bullying at its finest.
Bottom line- have your preferences and feel free to voice them. But refrain from being a douche. Its not that hard.
No one is blaming you for having a preference. We all have preferences. Its the way you talk about the girls who have vageens you're not attracted to. You Might not have respect for a vagina you deem unattractive, but the women attached to the vagina deserve a bit of respect. I bet over half the OCSM's have some cooter lip on here and for you to talk down about their appearance in front of them... (ok, in front of only a couple since we all know most OCSM's don't come around til Miss FO time :lol ) is just fucking arrogant and RUDE. And even moreso because you're refusing to put up your own photo for us to judge your appearance. Bullying at its finest.
Bottom line- have your preferences and feel free to voice them. But refrain from being a douche. Its not that hard.
cooter lip
Let me illustrate what a complete douchebag you are.
You like this, right?
But this disappoints you, correct?
Guess what? Same chick.
Dude blahblahblah
You guys are crazy!
This is the internet...a chat forum...you may find and read things you might find offensive but if you get your feelings hurt by things total strangers say from thousands of miles away in cyberland you probably shouldn't frequent internet forums.
I really didn't know it was a big secret that some people would prefer a certain kind of cooter.
Most of us know that not everyone is or will be attracted to every little thing about us or our anatomy and when people say things negative that we may be able to correlate to us directly it doesn't fuckin matter because we already have a hunch that we aren't perfect.
My choice of words and descriptions only got "rude" as a result of you people in attack mode...I will choose my words wisely now that I know their is so many sensitive souls here that really take this shit and strangers serious.
I see you're still flaming and trolling, even after having your ass handed to you by two OCSM's. You just aren't very sharp, are you, boy?![]()