Torn & Frayed.
LOVE the shoes! :flame: I would so suck your heel, Bri. :shy: :drool2:
So; let me get this right: You saw that pic; and the first thing you noticed was the shoes ...and feet !?
LOVE the shoes! :flame: I would so suck your heel, Bri. :shy: :drool2:
You really are full of yourself. Keep hiding behind your keyboard talking shit, we all know that's the only place you've got the balls to do it.
You are really the only person that has "talked shit" in this thread. For whatever the reason you're totally butt-hurt at the fact that I prefer a certain type of snatch. So butt-hurt that you've tried your hardest to make it personal. I'm thoroughly convinced you're either a super bored loser or a chick with a completely wrecked pussy. Either way You Might want to consider getting a life and considering therapy. Remind yourself that I'm a total stranger with different opinions than you and this a internet chat forum...that way you can reflect and see how you've made a total ass of yourself by getting so upset over this.
Also, in case it hasn't occurred to your dumbass. This probably isn't a place you'd want your boss (or worse) to be scanning only to find your mug shot...and then have access to everything you've ever said here...there's a reason you came up with an alias username...still guessing? Well, it's probably because you wanted to maintain your anonymity here...do you now see why I wouldn't want to post a mugshot? Make sense to you now MORON?
Dino you are an idiot her pussy looks fine, you must not get much pussy I'm guessing
So; let me get this right: You saw that pic; and the first thing you noticed was the shoes ...and feet !?
I thought you'd recognize it by now.
LOVE the shoes! :flame: I would so suck your heel, Bri. :shy: :drool2:
This one looks like she can't shut her drapes anymore. Lucky for her option 3 has a few miles remaining on it.
Dude, if you have a preference or opinion on the aesthetics of a pussy you must not ever get laid! Isn't that right Kappy?
Dude, if you have a preference or opinion on the aesthetics of a pussy you must not ever get laid! Isn't that right Kappy?
Dude, if you have a preference or opinion on the aesthetics of a pussy you must not ever get laid! Isn't that right Kappy?
For the record: I was trying to be a smartass with my last couple of posts.
You might do better if you quit trying to troll and flame. I can appreciate a woman with a "box" you describe as youur preference. Hey, that's great and looks awesome, but I'm not disappointed by any woman's vagina. It would take a real tool to even have a pussy preference. And I'm certainly not the only one posting in this thread that thinks you're a fucking gasbag for trash talking something that's out of a person's control.