Heh, good one, BNF. :hatsoff:
Given that I HAVE been in a bank while a robbery was in progress (TWICE, I might add), my answer is now what it was then ...
~ Do nothing but what they ask.
~ Don't delude yourself into thinking that you're some sort of Chuck Norris or Bruce Willis-wannabe and try to kick their asses while disarming them and saving the day. They're desperate and they're nervous and they're not going to hesitate when it comes to saving their own asses and putting some rounds into your thick, dumb-ass skull.
~ Say nothing more to them than the situation calls for. A chatty or belligerent person makes an unstable person that much more nervous and jittery.
~ Don't look them in the eye or stare; they WILL see it as a sign of aggression.
~ Be mindful of all that is happening. Observe everything ... if you can. Remember their movements, what they looked like (general appearance, body size, hair color, eye color, etc.) how they are dressed, their voices, and how many there are. You will need this information when you are being interviewed by the detectives.
Trust me. Back when I was a store manager of a Blockbuster Video (many years ago), I was involved (victim-wise) in TWO (2) bank robbery attempts ... plus my store was robbed two consecutive Christmases. I've stared down a sawed-off shotgun and I don't care to EVER repeat that experience again in my life. :eek: