Yet another study confirms global warming is human-caused...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Gore is a screaming assfuckin' Liberal lyin' scumbag. Did I mention a lying Scumbag?

Late to the party, again, I see, and yet does nothing to address my main point, I'll spell it out for you because we all know you're illiterate, Gore is pursuing the capitalist dream, yet, because he's a democrat, idiots like you have a problem with it. Quit wasting my time with your feeble attempts at dialog. Oh, and by the way, who did you vote for in the last presidential election?


Gore is a screaming assfuckin' Liberal lyin' scumbag. Did I mention a lying Scumbag?
False science movies, scam businesses, jets that Uber Pollute while making money from other's pollution payoffs...giant uneco house while espousing others give up their overuse of resources...he lost 'cause not enough people voted for his lame ass. BooHoo. Obama had to cheat and lie to keep his Zombies voting for him.

Yeah, another deep, probing response from Misfire the Clown. NOT!:sheep:

Since Sam is too chickenshit to answer questions, I'll ask you instead. When have any of us who believe in climate change ever mentioned Al Gore? As far as my very accurate recollection can tell, the only people who have said anything about Gore are Sampon, and now you.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Late to the party, again, I see, and yet does nothing to address my main point, I'll spell it out for you because we all know you're illiterate, Gore is pursuing the capitalist dream, yet, because he's a democrat, idiots like you have a problem with it. Quit wasting my time with your feeble attempts at dialog. Oh, and by the way, who did you vote for in the last presidential election?
Am I to assume then, that one of the two posters between xfire's post and mine who I have on ignore, have brought up Gore, who hasn't been mentioned for about 10 months in this thread and is completely irrelevant to my current post? I suppose it shouldn't surprise me. I only put the arrogantly stupid on ignore, which is why there's only three names there. I'd have four were one not a mod.

Edit: Mayhem's beaten me to this punch.
I catch a lot of hell from my conservative friends because I tend to keep an open mind about this. Obviously we are emitting more substances into our atmosphere than ever before in our history. Where I differ is when they use the words "confirm" or "proven". Keep in mind that are intelligent dissenters of the theory of climate change. This planet has been around a long time and no one knows exactly what cyclical changes the Earth has gone through with certainty. I do not believe there is enough evidence yet to make wholesale changes in our lifestyles and business practices until we know for sure which could be well past my lifetime. And this article is using the term "global warming" I thought it was climate change. They need to make up their fucking minds.
And this article is using the term "global warming" I thought it was climate change. They need to make up their fucking minds.

Give 'em a little more time, and I'm certain they will come up with a new snazzier, catchy term.


Global warming is an unfortunate term because it gives the hayseeds too much to be stupid about. Let one place on the planet dip to colder than average, that's what they jump up and down about. Climate change allows for wind and ocean currents, gulfstreams, jetstreams, etc.

I will also say that climate change has nothing to do with mercury levels in the fish we eat, but that's a huge problem too. It's easily verifiable and it's caused by the exact same things that are causing climate change. And it's more than enough excuse for us to make wholesale changes in lifestyles and business practices.
And, let's not forget those who screamed..........

Global warming is an unfortunate term because it gives the hayseeds too much to be stupid about. Let one place on the planet dip to colder than average, that's what they jump up and down about. Climate change allows for wind and ocean currents, gulfstreams, jetstreams, etc.

I will also say that climate change has nothing to do with mercury levels in the fish we eat, but that's a huge problem too. It's easily verifiable and it's caused by the exact same things that are causing climate change. And it's more than enough excuse for us to make wholesale changes in lifestyles and business practices.

I don't want excuses. I want concrete evidence before we make changes that affect our lifestyle. The ones that want us to believe all of this coined the term "global warming" and it didn't fit their complete agenda so they had to change horses mid stream. Like I said, I keep an open mind about it, but I am not buying into 40 years of data when the next 50 years could have a completely different outcome.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I don't want excuses. I want concrete evidence before we make changes that affect our lifestyle. The ones that want us to believe all of this coined the term "global warming" and it didn't fit their complete agenda so they had to change horses mid stream. Like I said, I keep an open mind about it, but I am not buying into 40 years of data when the next 50 years could have a completely different outcome.

Ice core samples provide data exponentially further back than 40 years.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I think you misread my second paragraph.

That may well be so. Can't argue about making a buck from scare tactics. Let the buyer beware. Back to the subject.

Earth is a place bigger and older than us. Anyone that believes that anyone has figured it out is living in La-La-Land. Us, with all of our knowledge about it, don't know a smidgen of shit about where it came from or where it is going. Ancient civilizations all thought that they were the only ones here and ruled it. Then the deserts, waters and mountains were crossed. How long ago did we figure out that it wasn't flat?

The Earth has warmed and cooled many times as far as science can measure. People have been here only a short time. Industrialization has a part in making things dirty but we have been working on solutions to this. To say that people are the cause of global warming is just absurd. It happened before we even discovered fire.

Look, I'll do my part to make less waste. Use a bag twice and separate my garbage. Fill a soda bottle with KoolAid and take it to work. But at what point are we going to affect the temperature of the Earth? Nothing that we can ever do will ever compensate for the actions of the Sun.
Ice core samples provide data exponentially further back than 40 years.

Fine. How far? 100 years? 150 years? This Earth is billions of years old. 150 years is a Heineken fart in the Earth's history. How many asteroids plowed through the Earth's atmosphere during that time? We don't know. A catastrophic hit did far more damage than a thousand years of greenhouse gases could cause yet the Earth recovered. This is the kind of BS I am talking about. And so what if climatologists think they are the end all. I have a rather decent education myself. Some of the dumbest fuckers I know are highly educated, all they can talk about is their particular field. They know nothing else. At a Christmas party last year the daughter of a colleague who has been in college since she was 18 and now she is in her late 30's and still in college gets a telephone call and goes into a closet to answer the call. Weird bitch, highly intelligent yes but couldn't function in normal everyday life without someone guiding her. to the bathroom.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Let me clarify the point I was making a few months ago, when this thread was fresh

Anyone that truly follows the scientific method is skeptical of not only "Global Warming", but of everything else, as well, including the "Global Warming" deniers.

I get what you two are saying. You've got valid points. Perhaps my point is valid, as well, that maybe, just maybe you shouldn't trust politicians denying climate change when they've all got money-driven agendas.
Let me clarify the point I was making a few months ago, when this thread was fresh

I get what you two are saying. You've got valid points. Perhaps my point is valid, as well, that maybe, just maybe you shouldn't trust politicians denying climate change when they've all got money-driven agendas.

I believe we are causing damage, but I don't want the cure to be worse than the disease. That's all.


Fine. How far? 100 years? 150 years? This Earth is billions of years old. 150 years is a Heineken fart in the Earth's history. How many asteroids plowed through the Earth's atmosphere during that time? We don't know. A catastrophic hit did far more damage than a thousand years of greenhouse gases could cause yet the Earth recovered. This is the kind of BS I am talking about. And so what if climatologists think they are the end all. I have a rather decent education myself. Some of the dumbest fuckers I know are highly educated, all they can talk about is their particular field. They know nothing else. At a Christmas party last year the daughter of a colleague who has been in college since she was 18 and now she is in her late 30's and still in college gets a telephone call and goes into a closet to answer the call. Weird bitch, highly intelligent yes but couldn't function in normal everyday life without someone guiding her. to the bathroom.

Are you kidding me with this? Ice cores can provide data for as far back as 800,000 years. Here, add to your decent education with some of this:

An ice core is a core sample that is typically removed from an ice sheet, most commonly from the polar ice caps of Antarctica, Greenland or from high mountain glaciers elsewhere. As the ice forms from the incremental build up of annual layers of snow, lower layers are older than upper, and an ice core contains ice formed over a range of years. The properties of the ice and the recrystallized inclusions within the ice can then be used to reconstruct a climatic record over the age range of the core, normally through isotopic analysis. This enables the reconstruction of local temperature records and the history of atmospheric composition.[1]

Ice cores contain an abundance of information about climate. Inclusions in the snow of each year remain in the ice, such as wind-blown dust, ash, bubbles of atmospheric gas and radioactive substances. The variety of climatic proxies is greater than in any other natural recorder of climate, such as tree rings or sediment layers. These include (proxies for) temperature, ocean volume, precipitation, chemistry and gas composition of the lower atmosphere, volcanic eruptions, solar variability, sea-surface productivity, desert extent and forest fires.

The length of the record depends on the depth of the ice core and varies from a few years up to 800 kyr (800,000 years) for the EPICA core. The time resolution (i.e. the shortest time period which can be accurately distinguished) depends on the amount of annual snowfall, and reduces with depth as the ice compacts under the weight of layers accumulating on top of it. Upper layers of ice in a core correspond to a single year or sometimes a single season. Deeper into the ice the layers thin and annual layers become indistinguishable.

An ice core from the right site can be used to reconstruct an uninterrupted and detailed climate record extending over hundreds of thousands of years, providing information on a wide variety of aspects of climate at each point in time. It is the simultaneity of these properties recorded in the ice that makes ice cores such a powerful tool in paleoclimate research.

There's more, so click the link.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I believe we are causing damage, but I don't want the cure to be worse than the disease. That's all.

I had a geology professor that started the semester with the proclamation that while climate change is real, has always happened, that the course we were about to embark on was all about climate change as part of the history of Earth, that human impact was negligible, and any attempts to reverse it would be futile. Good guy, was in Berlin as a child when the bombs were falling, and has been a geologist since the sixties. I don't think there's a damn thing that can be done to stop it, but that's no reason to bury my head in the sand and swallow what evangelical politicians like Tom Coburn, James Inhoffe, Lamar Alexander, and the rest of the fruity deniers have to say about the issue.
Look, I'll do my part to make less waste. Use a bag twice and separate my garbage. Fill a soda bottle with KoolAid and take it to work. But at what point are we going to affect the temperature of the Earth? Nothing that we can ever do will ever compensate for the actions of the Sun.

Bob, regardless of where I (or anyone else)stands on this issue, this is a key point for me. Okay, you don't believe in global warming/climate change. Whatever. But what is the negative side to using less fuel, recycling more, polluting less? What is the bad part of doing what we can to make the creation remain beautiful, especially as we exponentially increase in numbers as humans on this little planet? You find it inconvenient to take the three extra steps to the recycle bin? You want a car that will suck gas because you have too much money and you want to spend it? You like the smell of smog and pollution? You like seeing garbage everywhere? Someone explain to me what the bad part of taking care of this planet as best we can can possibly be.

The weak of mind will say something like "Sure, take care of the planet, but don't force me to do it with laws about emissions and the like." That's just a bullshit argument. If you don't have laws, nothing will change. I'm not saying we should legislate a hybrid car for everyone, but as the technology to build much more efficient, cleaner vehicles readily exists, why not make some rules about how much shit your car can pump into the environment? Why not tell manufacturing companies to spend the money, and make use of technologies that exist to reduce emissions? What is the bad part of these things?

Bob, from me to you, thanks for doing your part. I try to as well. I use as little plastic as possible, have the most fuel efficient vehicles I can, grow a lot of my own food, buy everything as locally as possible, and more. Does that make me superior to those who don't? Nope. I care about this planet, and I firmly believe that if everyone did as much as they could, it would be better for the planet.
Are you kidding me with this? Ice cores can provide data for as far back as 800,000 years. Here, add to your decent education with some of this:


There's more, so click the link.

I asked a question because I am not trying to pretend that I know. In fact you believe it on the face value of it because you want to believe it. Ideology is playing a part in both of our opinions. Ok so it goes back as far as 800,000 years that leaves about 3 billion years of data that can't be collected.

The difference between us in regard to absorbing this data is that both of us start with a layman's knowledge of the subject. You choose to accept it as set in stone, I choose to not buy into it completely because it is a relatively new science. I have conceded that it could be possible,you however have decided that it is scientific fact and you don't have the expertise to analyze the data no more than I do. I am being the intellectually honest one here.
Bob, regardless of where I (or anyone else)stands on this issue, this is a key point for me. Okay, you don't believe in global warming/climate change. Whatever. But what is the negative side to using less fuel, recycling more, polluting less? What is the bad part of doing what we can to make the creation remain beautiful, especially as we exponentially increase in numbers as humans on this little planet? You find it inconvenient to take the three extra steps to the recycle bin? You want a car that will suck gas because you have too much money and you want to spend it? You like the smell of smog and pollution? You like seeing garbage everywhere? Someone explain to me what the bad part of taking care of this planet as best we can can possibly be.

The weak of mind will say something like "Sure, take care of the planet, but don't force me to do it with laws about emissions and the like." That's just a bullshit argument. If you don't have laws, nothing will change. I'm not saying we should legislate a hybrid car for everyone, but as the technology to build much more efficient, cleaner vehicles readily exists, why not make some rules about how much shit your car can pump into the environment? Why not tell manufacturing companies to spend the money, and make use of technologies that exist to reduce emissions? What is the bad part of these things?

Bob, from me to you, thanks for doing your part. I try to as well. I use as little plastic as possible, have the most fuel efficient vehicles I can, grow a lot of my own food, buy everything as locally as possible, and more. Does that make me superior to those who don't? Nope. I care about this planet, and I firmly believe that if everyone did as much as they could, it would be better for the planet.

No, it's people like Gore, the extremely wealthy (and the extremely poor) worldwide, who DO NOT "do their part" because A: they also don't believe it or, B: Get China, the Middle East, North Korea, Islam, etc., etc to "get on board" and then and only then will I take it seriously.

Until then, I am not giving Gore the satisfaction of walking lockstep with him or his bullshit theories.