Bob, regardless of where I (or anyone else)stands on this issue, this is a key point for me. Okay, you don't believe in global warming/climate change. Whatever. But what is the negative side to using less fuel, recycling more, polluting less? What is the bad part of doing what we can to make the creation remain beautiful, especially as we exponentially increase in numbers as humans on this little planet? You find it inconvenient to take the three extra steps to the recycle bin? You want a car that will suck gas because you have too much money and you want to spend it? You like the smell of smog and pollution? You like seeing garbage everywhere? Someone explain to me what the bad part of taking care of this planet as best we can can possibly be.
The weak of mind will say something like "Sure, take care of the planet, but don't force me to do it with laws about emissions and the like." That's just a bullshit argument. If you don't have laws, nothing will change. I'm not saying we should legislate a hybrid car for everyone, but as the technology to build much more efficient, cleaner vehicles readily exists, why not make some rules about how much shit your car can pump into the environment? Why not tell manufacturing companies to spend the money, and make use of technologies that exist to reduce emissions? What is the bad part of these things?
Bob, from me to you, thanks for doing your part. I try to as well. I use as little plastic as possible, have the most fuel efficient vehicles I can, grow a lot of my own food, buy everything as locally as possible, and more. Does that make me superior to those who don't? Nope. I care about this planet, and I firmly believe that if everyone did as much as they could, it would be better for the planet.