The only reason I'm so skeptic about "man-made" global warming is because it's so politized. I mean, what a coincidence that all the "solutions" for global warming happen to be described with the following five words: the rich nations pay more. Then when you have a POLITICIAN like Algore (wind bag) selling indulgences... sorry, I mean, "carbon credits" and making himself rich off it. I guess he really knows the meaning of "a fool and his money are soon parted" with so many naive people falling for it. Kind of like evolution. Its politization and the libs' smug attitude about it kind of makes me want to completely take sides with Will and his view of it, even though I know that, sure, evolution is possible, but we got to keep an open mind. When libs take the position that "the science is settled", no, it isn't!! Even fucking gravity isn't settled completly as how it works since we get new discoveries every few years or centuries that turn the science on its head. So that argument only shows an unwillingness to keep an open mind to other possible reasons or theories that might be correct.