Marijuana is a DRUG. Final
Nevermind him, he is French.:tongue:
Marijuana is a DRUG. Final
I cant imagine all the stoners driving around....just think how many more accidents will happen & how much our car insurance will be.
Subjects exhibit virtually identical psychomotor skills on a battery of driving simulator tests prior to and shortly after smoking marijuana, according to clinical trial data published in the March issue of the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.
Investigators from Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and the University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine assessed the simulated driving performance of 85 subjects in a double-blind, placebo controlled trial. Volunteers responded to various simulated events associated with automobile crash risk — such as avoiding a driver who was entering an intersection illegally, deciding to stop or go through a changing traffic light, responding to the presence of emergency vehicles, avoiding colliding with a dog who entered into traffic, and maintaining safe driving during a secondary (in-the-car) auditory distraction. Subjects performed the tests sober and then again 30 minutes after smoking a single marijuana cigarette containing either 2.9 percent THC or zero THC (placebo). Investigators reported that volunteers performed virtually the same after smoking cannabis as they did sober and/or after consuming a placebo. "No differences were found during the baseline driving segment (and the) collision avoidance scenarios," authors reported.Investigators did note, "Participants receiving active marijuana decreased their speed more so than those receiving placebo cigarette during (the) distracted section of the drive." Authors hypothesized that subjects' reduction in speed on this task suggested that they may have been compensating for perceived impairment. "[N]o other changes in driving performance were found," researchers concluded.
Fact: There is no compelling evidence that marijuana contributes substantially to traffic accidents and fatalities. At some doses, marijuana affects perception and psychomotor performances- changes which could impair driving ability. However, in driving studies, marijuana produces little or no car-handling impairment- consistently less than produced by low moderate doses of alcohol and many legal medications. In contrast to alcohol, which tends to increase risky driving practices, marijuana tends to make subjects more cautious. Surveys of fatally injured drivers show that when THC is detected in the blood, alcohol is almost always detected as well. For some individuals, marijuana may play a role in bad driving. The overall rate of highway accidents appears not to be significantly affected by marijuana's widespread use in society.
Half of British politicians have admitted smoking it. Probably most of the rest have too. Just a pity they haven't got the guts to decriminalise it.
it really is night i seen on tv where they busted these two kids with weed on cops..took them to jail..then..the first commercial that came on after it was this girls gone wild shit trying to sell naked videos of teenage girls that you cant prove by me that they are all old thats fucked up when you think about it
We're glad you live there, too! Everyone's happy.
Make it legal and let's go get stoned.
If it legalized, more people will use it & more will abuse it & more ppl will be addicted. Its sort of like if the highway patrol stopped enforcing the speed limit, do u think more people will speed & go over 90 mph?
Of course they will.
I cant imagine all the stoners driving around....just think how many more accidents will happen & how much our car insurance will be.......
will they let all the people that are in jail out that are in there on pot related offences?..........
Explain why they would go out of business?
Hells yeah let's legalize weed.
Dispensaries wouldn't go out of business but the market price of weed will precipitously drop. Most stoners will still buy their weed because most people don't have the time and expertise to grow their own, just as we have grocery stores because few people care to grow their own vegetables.
There are stoners against Prop 19 because it criminalizes possession for minors under the age of 21, for smoking in the presence of minors, and for smoking in public. These are people living in a dream utopia where weed should be legalized but dare not regulated. There are also stoners who want weed to remain illegal because it wouldn't be cool if everyone could do it. I think they are idiots.
I smoke weed everyday and I AM SMARTER THAN YOU.They could ban nicotine and alcohol and I wouldn't give a shit because I'm smart enough not to ingest fucking poison. I don't use marijuana and they can legalize it and I wouldn't give a shit because I'm smart enough not to fuck with that shit, either.
On the tracks.They could ban nicotine and alcohol and I wouldn't give a shit because I'm smart enough not to ingest fucking poison. I don't use marijuana and they can legalize it and I wouldn't give a shit because I'm smart enough not to fuck with that shit, either.
People that support banning shit are liberal fucktard facists.
People that support banning shit are liberal fucktard facists.
Anyone reading this post and gets mad could do with a session of self-reflection.