
Wow thanks death blooms for telling me what happened after the credits. Sucks that I missed it. I saw it at midnight on wed (technically thursday night) and I didnt hear anything about it, until after had already had seen it. Yeah to the guys who aint seen it yet u dont wanna miss the thing that happens after the credits like I did.
Calm said:
Maybe you just don't like Hugh Jackman (hope that's his name).

X3 wasn't that bad, it was better than the first 2 which were, to be honest, bad. I liked this one because it wasn't as predictable as these movies tend to be; it wasn't complicated but certain events were very not "hollywood-like" (won't tell which to not spoil).

I'd gladly go see a Wolverine movie since he's by far the best and most interesting character, he's not all into helping the kids grow and use their powers for good and that stuff. He needed more lines.

I just didn't like Van Helsing, IMO horrible movie. Hugh Jackman is a good Wolverine, and I love Wolverine. My problem is this wasn't a Wolverine movie, it was an X-men movie. I know the Director can do what he wants with his movie, but like I said, it felt like a big fuck you to the die hard fans because this movie almost has nothing to do with the comics at all, it was just some little dream he had and IMO I feel betrayed and let down.


Here are some of my biggest complaints about the movie. There are more than what I have listed below, but these are some of the biggest.

1) They killed off Cyclops before the movie even really started, he just died and you were made to just move on.

2) WTF was up with Juggernaut, his costume was a joke, but that forgivable, what isn't is that he isn't a mutant so leech wouldn't have affected him and they never even acknowledged his relationship to Xavier.

3) Why even have Angel, Colossus, Psylocke, or half the others in the movie. Angels flying looked so lame and he had like 3 scenes. Colossus had like 3 lines and his biggest role was throwing Wolverine.

4) Phoenix, the most powerful mutant ever is turned into a sidekick for Magneto, shouldn't it have been the other way around?

5) Iceman and Pyro, awesome build up, cool start to a fight, and then the fight is just over.

6) Nightcrawler, not even an explanation to why he wasn't there, I know why, Alan Cummings didn't want to do the role, but no explanation to why Nightcrawler wasn't there.

7) Beast, just thrown in like he was an X-men the whole time, but if we are going off the movies, then he was never a part.

8) Why not use the cure on Jean Grey, why just kill her?

9) Rogue one of the biggest characters in the movies, at least the 1st, is just turned into a minor role who just wants a cure.

10) The pacing was horrible, if a story even seemed to possibly be forming it turned into an action sequence and then changed to something else.

11) I know the comics are always different, but Jean Grey was a host to the Phoenix Force, it wasn't some hidden part of her.

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I second all those points death blooms08 especially the last three i saw the movie this afternoon good movie but flawed would be my overall opinion
anakin62 said:
one more thing those who've seen the movie check out this site and tell if you agree with there choices http://www.empireonline.com/

Wow, long read but that was super cool. I remembered characters I had forgotten and discovered new ones. Rep for that!

As for deathblooms post, I agree with it 100%. The two "not" endings killed me though! And the whole thing with Juggernaut also struck me during the film.

Like anakin's like says, where the fuck is Gambit?!?!? That guy was my favourite, and they have to put him in the inevitable X4.

Just like the DaVinci Code, this movie simply didn't live up to the hype.

Finally saw it today and I must say I hated it!!! For those who have not seen it I won't ruin it for you but killing off certain characters is ridiculous. Shit it would be like George Lucas killing R2-D2, just can't be done. To me it ruined the entire trilogy and I certainly hope it's the last one. Action wise it was great but story and how some of the "living" characters were portrayed sucked. I've been an X-Men fan since Uncanny #202 and this movie just broke my heart.
I have to Agree with everything Death Blooms says.... didn't like the killing of certain characters, or explanation of why certain ones didn't appear or just appeared... well he was right on.. but the action was great. The STORE LINE REALLY SUCKED.. and I wish characters like Colossus, Juggernaut, Iceman Mystic ect had bigger roles.. I mean the girl that walked thru walls had a bigger role. Worth going to see for the action alone but just expect to be dissappointed in the story.
death blooms makes a good point and i just want to point out that in the comics... rogue defeats the pheonix with her touching/taking away powers ability.... which i find would have been amazing for this movie... it gives rogue a purpose and it leads to something


Closed Account
I must admit, I liked it..even though it was re-tooled for the Hollywood money-machine. I had a problem with some of the "closures" with the characters but...they can't go on forever. With any luck..there will be more movies spotlighting certain X-men way better.
saw it tonight, i liked it but i went into it thinking it would be the last movie in the triology so i was expected some main characters to get killed off, so i didn't mind it that much(was never a big cyclops fan anyways). If they come out with a fourth movie which it looks like they might than it will take away form this movie. Overall i thought it was good not outstanding but good. Didn't stay till the end of credits though so i'm a litlle pissed about that.
I saw it this past friday, and although they did take certain liberties in telling this story...I don't think it was that bad. Those who understand the comic books seemed to be scratching their heads more than those who had no idea what was going on. BUT...if they do decide to make another x-men movie...they have set up perfectly (or near perfectly) for a take on "Days of Future Past" (ie. kitty pryde, intro of psylocke, jeans death)which was actually an epilogue to the Phoenix saga in the first place. Although, "after xavier: age of apocolypse" storyline may seem to be a fit as well. Or a little of both stories...like the animated series did, which would work real nicely. Who knows...I'm probably just a fan being EXTREMELY optimistic.
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PILLOW said:
intro of psylocke

Only problem with her being in a sequel, is that even though she wasn't on the screen for more than like 2 minutes, they already killed her off.
Death_blooms08 said:
Only problem with her being in a sequel, is that even though she wasn't on the screen for more than like 2 minutes, they already killed her off.
I'm just tossing conspiracy here, but while that seems to be true, Psylocke had died in the comics once before and returned from the dead, although it was a savage land story line. SHe also gained her "telekinesis" from Phoenix. Annnnnnnd Phoenix has the ability to absorb, preserve, and resurrect any form of life according to the comics, so perhaps no one she killed is dead. hmmmmm. Or...Death blooms is right...and shes dead:1orglaugh
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I haven't seen the movie, but Spike TV had a good preview today, and Kelsey Grammer looks great as the beast.

Now, maybe someone can help me out here. Wasn't the theme of curing mutants in the "X-Factor" comic back in the mid to late 80's?